Report Sales Tax
(Sales Tax Detail Report)
This report lists, for completed orders, the total
tax liability by jurisdiction for a specified range of dates. Note that
if you are using the Alternate
Tax Interface, you need to run the Report
Sales Tax Exceptions routine to report sales tax exceptions.
Runtime options allow for the entry of a range of dates to report on,
selection of locations, and an option to print a summary page only. Also,
the report can include one, several, or all tax jurisdictions. Within
each jurisdiction, orders and returns sort by completion date. The summary
page displays a summary of each jurisdiction and the total sales, taxable
sales (sales amount subject to tax), and tax collected. Once the run-time
options have been selected, choose Run
to produce the report.
Date CodeClick
the arrow button to select a date
code. If you select CUS, you can specify the order Start and End Dates.
Start Date, End DateIf you
select the date code CUS, you can enter a start and end order date for
the report or you can leave the fields blank for the earliest and latest
order dates available. If you are not specifying a custom date range,
these fields are filled in based on the date
code selected and are not available for change.
Company Number
Tax Exempt Sales OnlyTo limit
the report to only customer tax-exempt sales, check the box at this field.
If you leave the box blank, the report includes sales to tax-exempt customers
and to those eligible to be charged tax.
Charge-off Adjustments Only
Summary Page Only
Tax JurisdictionsYou can
report on all jurisdictions by leaving the field blank, or you can specify
one or multiple jurisdictions. Click the search button to access the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window, or click the action button to access the
Tax Jurisdiction Selection Window.
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.