Report Sales Tax

(Sales Tax Detail Report)


This report lists, for completed orders, the total tax liability by jurisdiction for a specified range of dates. Note that if you are using the Alternate Tax Interface, you need to run the Report Sales Tax Exceptions routine to report sales tax exceptions.

Runtime options allow for the entry of a range of dates to report on, selection of locations, and an option to print a summary page only. Also, the report can include one, several, or all tax jurisdictions. Within each jurisdiction, orders and returns sort by completion date. The summary page displays a summary of each jurisdiction and the total sales, taxable sales (sales amount subject to tax), and tax collected. Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.

Date Code

Start Date, End Date

Company Number


Tax Exempt Sales Only

Charge-off Adjustments Only

Summary Page Only

Tax Jurisdictions

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