Report Sales Tax Exceptions
Use this report with the Alternate
Tax Interface to report sales tax exceptions. If not using the Alternate
Tax Interface, use the Report Sales Tax
routine to report on sales tax.
Runtime options allow for the entry of a range of dates to report on
and an option to print just a summary page. Also, the report can include
one, several or all tax jurisdictions. Once the run-time options have
been selected, choose Run to produce
the report.
Date CodeEnter the code that represents
the date or range of dates from which to select report data. If you click
on the arrow at the right of the field, a menu of options appears. Select
CUS to specify the start and end dates. If any other code is selected,
the start and end dates are selected automatically and cannot be changed.
Start DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) is selected in
the Date Code field, enter the starting date for this report. If a Date
Code other than CUS is entered,
this field automatically fills in and is not available for change.
End DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) is selected in
the Date Code field, enter the ending date for this report. If a Date
Code other than CUS is entered,
this field automatically fills in and is not available for change.
Company NumberIf multi-company
processing is not active, the company defaults and cannot be changed.
If multi-company processing is active, you can base the report on one
company by indicating the company number. Click the Search button to select
a company from the list. If you leave this field blank, all companies
are included in the report.
Tax Exempt Sales OnlyCheck
the box to report tax exempt sales only.
Summary Page OnlyCheck
the box to produce a summary report only. The summary page displays a
summary of each jurisdiction and the total sales, taxable sales and tax
Tax JurisdictionsThis report
can be run for one, multiple, or all tax jurisdictions. Click the Search
button to select a tax jurisdiction from the list or click the Action
button to select multiple jurisdictions. Leave the field blank to report
on all jurisdictions.
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.