Enter/Update Individual Vendor Invoice


Tabs:  General, Invoice Detail, Check Information

Use this routine to

 You cannot edit AP bills that are currently on a pending check run.

If you access this routine via the Enter Multiple Vendor Invoices routine (as opposed to accessing this routine directly from the Accounting menu), many fields on the screen fill with default values generated by responses you made in that routine. Some of the field documentation in this topic assumes no values were entered into a particular field and instructs you on how to enter a response. You can ignore these instructions. The basic functionality of this routine is the same regardless of how you access it.

GL Posting

This routine posts to General Ledger immediately upon filing.  Summary GL hits stored in the AP bill header are available for change prior to filing via the GL Postings screen.  




Open Amount $

 After you specify a bill number, a paper clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button. If this icon is active (that is, bold-faced) on a tab, it indicates a file attachment exists for the selected tab or for an item in the order related to the selected tab (for example, a customer or product image file). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for selected tab.







Hold Code


Invoice/Credit Number

Invoice/Credit Date


Pay Prior to Receipt

Exchange Rate


The Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous fields below can be used to specify one or multiple sales tax, freight, and miscellaneous invoice charge codes and their associated charge amounts.

For existing bills, the Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous AP header charge code fields are populated from the data in the AP bill. These fields display either a single Invoice Charge or an ellipsis indicating multiple Invoice Charges. 

When in Approval Mode or creating an unlinked expense bill, the AP header charge code fields are defaulted from the standard Invoice Charges: FREIGHT in the Freight field, TAX in the Sales Tax field, and MISCELLANEOUS in the Miscellaneous field. 

The ability to specify multiple AP header charge codes is not available when Third Party Accounting (TPA) is active.


Freight $

Sales Tax

Sales Tax $


Miscellaneous $

Total Invoice/Credit Detail $

Invoice/Credit Total $

 When creating freight bills, if the Freight in Terms Amount field is not enabled in the Payables Control Settings, the system defaults the pay date instead of the terms date.  

The three standard invoice charge codes (Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous) can be set to inactive by checking the box at the Default Invoice Charges to Inactive in the Payables Control Settings.  If this setting is enabled, you can enable these fields on an as-needed basis by clicking the Actions button and selecting Activate Invoice Charges.


Invoice Detail

Use this tab to edit open AP bills linked to a purchase order and enter and edit expense bills not linked to a purchase order (STORIS Accounting only).

Proof Amount

Available for Approval

Vendor, PO or RA Number, Receipt Date, Quantity, Unit Cost $, Extension $

Approved Total

Approved for Payment


Vendor Model



Unit Cost


After you finish entering payable or credit information (product, quantity, unit cost) for a grid item, select Add. The system returns to the Reference/Product field, where you can approve additional products (if any) for AP billing. When you finish entering payable or credit information, select Save to create the bill. If using TPA, the program adds the approvals to a batch that you can transmit to your third-party accounting package.

If using TPA, when deleting untransmitted approvals, the only options available are Delete (to delete selected invoices) and Exit (to exit the program without deleting the untransmitted invoices selected).

Check Information

Use this tab to maintain information on check processing, including remittance information.  This tab is active only if STORIS Accounting is active.


The default remit-to information displays.





Pay Date


Quick Check Active

Separate Check


Payment Schedule

This grid displays scheduled payments (if any) and allows you to edit existing bills. The grid is active and populated only if the terms specified is a Scheduled Payment type. Grid Columns include:

Invoice Date

Due Date

Terms Date


Alternate Payment Method

Use these fields to select a manual payment method. To access these fields:


Once you make a selection at the Method field, the following fields activate:




 When filing AP bills other than pending AP bills, the GL Postings screen appears.

The alternate payment method is not available for vendor credit bills.