Report Written Sales Dollars


This report lists written orders and/or adjustments to written orders for one or more stores. You can specify a range of dates as well as the type of report - summary, detail, or both. The Detail report breaks out each order by product number and includes each item’s merchandise amount and gross profit. Totals are calculated for each sales order.  

The report sorts by

  1. completed orders, by order date followed by order number, then by

  2. open orders, by order date followed by order number.

 The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions, meaning you can inquire only about customers and locations to which you have access.

This report does not include data from closed periods for which the End-of-Month process has been run because the End-of-Month process purges data from closed periods. However, you can use EIS or create customized sales analysis reports to display written sales data from previous periods.

If you select Summary at the Report Type field, the program restricts your output option to Screen.

Not all columns are available when the Screen output type is selected. The columns ID, Second Description, Vendor, Category, and PO are available only when output settings are set to Personal Report Viewer, Excel, or ASCII Export.


The following are examples of adjustments that may appear on the report:

 Adjustments made to a sales order via A/R (for example, key-offs, payments, and refunds, etc.) do not log to the report as adjustments.

Negative margins on this report involve changes in the cost of an item (for example, a PO being received, a cost exception being solved, etc.)  At the time a sales order is written, STORIS uses average cost since the exact cost is not yet available. When the exact cost of an item becomes, the sales order updates and an "adjustment" record is made to the Written Business and BTA files. Because only to the cost changes and not the selling price, the end result is a negative adjustment to the margin.

Date Code  

Start Date, End Date



Order Type

Report Type

Include Audit Comments

Include All Salespeople

Include Customer's Full address

Send Output to

Export Path

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.