Use the Create a Sales Analysis Report routine to create customized reports detailing all aspects of your business. For example, Sales Analysis reports can include any of the following:
written vs. delivered sales
costing information
sales dollars broken down by store, salesperson, category, or other user-defined criteria
Use these reports to analyze historical sales information, within which you can spot trends and/or areas for improvement. The Periods of Data Retention field in the Sales Analysis Report Control Settings determines how long the systems retains data for sales analysis reports. The sales analysis reports you create include the latest edits made to STORIS sales data, providing up-to-date, accurate information.
The Sales Analysis Reporting feature provides a wide variety of sales criteria on which to report. Note that this Help file contains a topic with step-by-step instructions on creating a sales analysis report.
Before working out a Sales Analysis report on paper, ask the following questions:
What data do I want to include in this report?
What data do I want to exclude from this report?
What is the highest level of organization that I want on this report?
What is the lowest level of organization that I want on this report?
Will this report format be useful for more than one product and/or time period/?
You may want to create a series of generic report formats and then use them as report templates from which to create other reports. For instance, when creating a report that displays monthly sales data for a selected product, if you design the form so that the product data is controlled by only one field, you can later duplicate the report that modify it to show monthly sales data for different products. Note that you can also use any of the existing standard Sales Analysis reports as templates for future use.