Credit Application Entry - Co-applicant
Tabs: Personal, Residence,
Reference, Miscellaneous
Use this routine to enter or update a credit
application for a co-applicant. Information on the specified customer
appears in the header area of this screen. Use the Personal, Residence,
Employment, Reference, and Miscellaneous tabs to collect the appropriate
This program displays customer information as it appeared at the time
the application was entered into the system. If you re-access an
application and the customer's record in the Customer Settings was updated
in the meantime, the application does not reflect the changes.
This process generates credit request comments each time you create a credit
application or access an existing one.
When entering a credit application, the system prevents you from entering
a date more than 100 years in the past.
You can access this screen via the Enter
a Sales Order process but you cannot access the sales order process
from this screen.
When a co-applicant or co-signer is removed from the credit application
all financed sales orders are placed on C4 credit
Header Area
The header area contains information on the selected applicant, co-applicant,
or co-signer. The same information appears in the header area of
each tab in the routine, and cannot be edited within this routine.
Customer Number, Name, AddressThe customer
number, primary applicant's name, address, and co-applicant's name display
from the Request Credit
Information routine.
Your entry settings on Credit
Application Control Settings determine the necessity of each of the
following fields (optional, mandatory or not needed).
Social Security #, Social Insurance #The field label "Social Security #" displays
when processing with the United States as your "home"
country, or displays "Social Insurance #" when processing
with Canada as your domestic country.
Enter the co-applicant's social security/insurance number. You must specify
a 9-digit number. Note that this program does not display the entry as
a masked number.
Date of BirthEnter
the applicant's date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. If the age of the
applicant calculates to less than 18 years, a warning message appears
and a different date must be entered.
Driver's LicenseEnter the co-applicant's driver license number.
You can enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
GenderUse this
field to specify the gender of the co-applicant. Click the arrow to choose
Male or Female.
Marital StatusUse this
field to specify the marital status of the co-applicant. Click the
Arrow button to choose from Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed.
# of DependentsEnter
the number dependents for the co-applicant. You can enter any number from
0 to 99.
the applicant's e-mail address. You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric
characters. Your entry must conform to the standard e-mail format (XX@XX.XX).
The following applies if the "Customer Entry - Warn if Primary
Email exists for other Customers" setting is checked in the Customer
tab of Point
of Sale Control Settings: If an email address is added or changed,
the new email address is checked to determine if it has been assigned
to any other customer account as a primary email address. If the email
address already exists, a warning message appears that can be dismissed.
The following applies if the "Customer Entry - Warn if Primary Email
exists for other Customers" setting is checked in the Customer tab
of Point
of Sale Control Settings: If an email address is added or changed,
the new email address is checked to determine if it has been assigned
to any other customer account as a primary email address. If the email
address already exists, a warning message appears that can be dismissed.

You can only edit files attached to the credit application. You
can view attachments linked to the primary applicant’s Customer
Settings and credit application.
A paperclip icon displays next
to the Help button. If file
attachments exist for the primary applicant’s customer record and/or
credit application, the icon appears in bold.
Otherwise, the icon is inactive (dimmed).
Your entry settings on Credit
Application Control Settings determine the necessity (optional, mandatory
or not needed) of each of the following fields.
Name, Address 1, Address 2, Zip Code, State The co-applicant's
address displays. This information cannot be edited.
Home Phone, Cell Phone
Resided SinceEnter
the date on which the co-applicant began living at their current residence.
Monthly PaymentEnter
the co-applicant's monthly mortgage payment. You can enter any whole dollar
amount greater than or equal to zero with a maximum of 8 digits, no decimal.
Address 1Enter
the address of the co-applicant's previous residence (if any). You
can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address 2Enter
the address of the co-applicant's previous residence (if any). You
can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in addition to the characters
you entered in the Address 1 field.
Zip CodeEnter
the zip code of the co-applicant's previous residence (if any). You
can enter up to 9 characters. If the zip code you enter exists in the
system, the associated city and state default. If the zip code you
enter does not exist in the system, a warning message appears but you
can proceed. Note that you cannot use this screen to create new
zip codes.
the city of the applicant's previous residence (if any). You can enter
up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
the two-character state abbreviation of the applicant's previous residence
(if any) or use the Search button to select a state from the Read-Only
Lookup Window.
Resided FromEnter
the date on which the co-applicant began living at their previous residence.
the date on which the co-applicant ceased living at their previous residence.
The date entered here must be equal to or greater than the Resided
From date.

Depending on your Credit
Application Control Settings, your entry in each of the following
fields is optional, mandatory, or can be skipped (not needed).
StatusUse this field to indicate
the employment
status of the co-applicant by clicking the Arrow button to select
from the drop-down list. Depending on the Credit Employment Status Settings
for the selected status and your Credit
Application Control Settings, entry in the fields on the Employment
tab of the application may be required.
Job TitleEnter
the co-applicant's job title. You can enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
the name of the co-applicant's employer. You can enter up to 30
alphanumeric characters.
Address 1Enter
the first address line of the co-applicant's employer. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address 2Enter
the second address line of the co-applicant's employer. You can
enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in addition to the characters you
entered in the Address 1 field.
Zip CodeEnter
the zip code of the co-applicant's employer. You can enter up to
9 characters. If the zip code you enter exists in the system, the associated
city and state default. If the zip code you enter does not exist
in the system, a warning message appears but you can proceed. Note
that you cannot use this screen to create new zip codes.
the city of the co-applicant's employer. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric
the two-character state abbreviation of the co-applicant's employer or
click the Search button to select a state from the Read-Only
Lookup Window.
the phone number of the co-applicant's employer. You must enter
10 numeric characters.
Employment DateEnter
the date on which the co-applicant began working at their current job.
the co-applicant's income. You can enter any whole dollar amount
greater than or equal to zero with a maximum of 8 digits, no decimal.
Income Indicator
Job TitleEnter
the co-applicant's previous job title. You can enter up to 25 alphanumeric
the name of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address 1Enter
the address of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address 2Enter
the address of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters in addition to the characters you entered
in the Address 1 field.
Zip CodeEnter
the zip code of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 9 characters. If the zip code you enter exists in the system, the
associated city and state default. If the zip code you enter does
not exist in the system, a warning message appears but you can proceed.
Note that you cannot use this screen to create new zip codes.
the city of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
the two-character state abbreviation of the co-applicant's previous employer
or click the Search button to select a state from the Read-Only
Lookup Window.
the phone number of the co-applicant's previous employer. You must
enter 10 numeric characters.
Employed FromEnter
the date on which the co-applicant began working for their previous employer.
the date on which the co-applicant ceased working for their previous employer.
The date you enter here must be equal to or greater than the Employed
From date.
Use this tab to enter information for the co-applicant's references.
You can enter up to 99 references.
the name of the co-applicant's credit reference. You can enter up
to 30 alphanumeric characters.
TypeEnter text describing the type of reference being
entered, for example, Personal, Business, etc. You can enter up
to 15 alphanumeric characters.
the phone number of the co-applicant's credit reference. You must
enter 10 numeric characters.
Address 1Enter
the address of the co-applicant's credit reference. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address 2Enter
the address of the co-applicant's credit reference. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters in addition to the characters you entered
in the Address 1 field.
Zip CodeEnter
the zip code of the co-applicant's credit reference. You can enter
up to 9 characters. If the zip code you enter exists in the system, the
associated city and state default. If the zip code you enter does
not exist in the system, a warning message appears but you can proceed.
Note that you cannot use this screen to create new zip codes.
the city of the co-applicant's previous employer. You can enter
up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
the two-character state abbreviation of the co-applicant's previous employer
or click the Search button to select a state from the Read-Only
Lookup Window.
After you enter information for each reference, click the Add
button to update the grid. The grid displays the Name, Type, and
Phone number of each reference added.
Use this tab to enter miscellaneous information on the co-applicant,
including the co-applicant's military service (if any).
the co-applicant's military rank. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric
the co-applicant's branch of service. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric
Service Comp DateEnter
the date on which the co-applicant began their military service.
ETS DateEnter
the date that the co-applicant's service in the military ended (that is,
Estimated Time of Separation).
Commanding Officer
the name of the co-applicant's commanding officer. You can enter
up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
the phone number of the co-applicant's commanding officer. You must
enter 10 numeric characters.
When you finish entering the application information, click the Save button to process this credit
request. If you are set up to transmit to the credit bureau, the program
sends the application data to the bureau for the purposes of obtaining
a credit report.