Process Merchandising Decisions


This screen is the first step in a series of routines you can use to apply pricing and other merchandising information to selected products.

The Process Merchandising Decisions screen is identical to the pre-screen on the Report Merchandising Activity routine (except that the Sales and Include As-Is Quantity fields are inactive because they do not apply to Process Merchandising Decision).  We suggest you run the Report Merchandising Activity routine to identify the products you want to update, then run the series of routines associated with the Process Merchandising Decisions routine to apply the updates to the selected products.  

 The output of this routine may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions.

The locations available to you may be affected by inquiry restrictions specified on the Location Restrictions tab of the Create a User routine.






Buying Group


Special Order


Sort By Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

Purchase Status

Include As-Is Quantity  

Output to

Export Path

Once you select your run-time options, choose Run to access the Select Products for Merchandising Decisions Screen.