These instructions describe how to utilize routines and scanners to perform a physical inventory cycle count via RF bar code label scanning. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
Steps: Initialize Cycle Count; Scan Inventory Labels; View Progress of Cycle Count; Update Cycle Count; View Adjustments to Inventory; Delete Cycle Count
In STORIS, select Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count from the menu.
The warehouse location indicated must have batch barcode active.
Action to Perform: Select Add Physical.
The Bar Code Storage Location Selection screen displays.
Storage Location: Indicate the storage location to count or click the Action button to indicate all locations or a range of locations.
The grid displays the storage locations selected.
Click the Save button.
If a selected location is included in another cycle count, a warning message displays. Click OK.
A message displays, indicating the number of items placed on the physical inventory and the ID number assigned to the physical inventory. Click OK.
The grid displays the physical inventory ID, date created, initials of user who created it, and whether or not parts are excluded.
Click Exit.
Next, select Assign a User to Physical or Cycle Count Locations from the STORIS menu.
The warehouse location indicated must have RF bar code active.
The grid lists the ID number, initialization date, and user ID for the physical inventory created. Double-click the line to select the physical inventory.
The Batch Maintenance Display screen lists the batch numbers.
Click the Actions button and select Create New Batch.
The Batch Creation screen displays.
On the Available tab, select locations from grid one at a time or click the Actions button and choose Select Locations. Answer Yes to select all locations listed in the grid or answer No to indicate a range of locations.
Once the locations are selected, they are moved to the Entered tab.
Select the Entered tab.
Click the Save button.
Click Exit on the Batch Maintenance Display screen.
Click Exit on the Assign a User to Physical or Cycle Count Locations screen.
Log in to the scanner.
The Main Menu displays.
Select #5 Inventory.
Select #1 Physical.
*At Location: scan the storage location label or enter the storage location (C5, for example).
If scanning a storage location
label that was previously scanned, the system prompts: “Storage location
has already been counted, Enter Initials and Password to recount or ‘E’
to exit” and prompt the user for their initials and password. You
then either enter E to return to the storage location prompt or enter
the user ID and password of a user with the proper
security to recount a storage location.
*If scanning at a warehouse/store
location set to invisible locator, and the RF PHYSICAL COUNT - Use
Area Prompt for Invisible Locator Locations field is checked for that
location, the first prompt displayed on the scanner is Area
rather than Location. You can use the scanner's keyboard to enter the
area within the warehouse where the count is being performed, or you can
scan a location label.
The system takes a "snapshot" of the entire inventory in the storage location you indicate.
At Label ID: scan the first merchandise label.
you scan a product label at a location that has the RF
Physical Count – Use STORIS label as UPC setting enabled,
the label is treated as if it is a UPC label and you are prompted to enter
the quantity. A quantity of 1 or greater must be entered to continue processing.
If you scan a product label that has already been counted for that storage
location, the system prompts: "Already counted (NNNNN) in the storage
location. Re-count?"
You then either answer No to accept the count previously entered or answer
Yes to enter a new count, provided you have the necessary security via
your User/Group
Logistics Security.
Continue scanning all pieces in this storage location.
To change locations, you can scan the location label at the Label ID: prompt and then scan merchandise labels for that location.
To indicate that a location has nothing in it, scan the location label and then type NONE at the Label ID: prompt.
When finished scanning all pieces, type 0 (zero) and press Enter to return to the Location prompt. Type zero & Enter again to return to the menu.
The bar code physical inventory progress report can be used to verify the progress of any cycle count. The report is based on either the batch number or storage location and provides information regarding whether the location has been scanned, completed, or is in progress.
Select Report Bar Code Physical Inventory Progress from the STORIS menu.
Select Update Bar Code Cycle Count Results from the menu.
Warehouse Location: Indicate the warehouse location where the cycle count was performed.
The grid displays the current active physical inventories for the selected warehouse location.
From the grid, double-click the line of the physical inventory.
The first Physical Inventory Update Processor screen displays, listing batches in the selected physical inventory.
From the grid, double-click the line of the batch to be updated.
The second Physical Inventory Update Processor screen displays the Status and Locations tabs.
The Status tab shows the scanned quantities per storage location.
The Locations tab shows the locations with no scanned quantities (i.e. not physically scanned).
If there are locations listed in the grid on the Locations tab, you can
zero out the scanned quantities. Select the location from the grid and
answer Yes to the following message:
Update this location with quantity of
zero? Yes No.
On the Status tab, check the box at the Update Batch field.
Click Save to update the cycle count. The updates to inventory are completed.
Click Save again on the physical inventory update screen.
Click Exit on the update count results screen.
The bar code physical inventory Adjustments report should be run after the inventory has been updated. The report shows all adjustments made to the cycle count.
Select Report Bar Code Physical Inventory Adjustments from the STORIS menu.
Review the report and make adjustments, if needed, to pieces in NIL or RESEARCH.
Important! Once a physical inventory is deleted, information needed to run the Report Bar Code Physical Inventory Adjustments is no longer available.
In STORIS, select Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count from the menu.
The warehouse location indicated must have RF barcode active.
Action to Perform: Select Delete Physical.
From the grid, double-click to select the Physical Inventory ID to be deleted.
A message may display, warning that counts have
been performed on the scanner. There
have already been uploads on physical. OK. Click OK.
Make sure you have printed the adjustments report before answering Yes
to the next prompt (DELETE Physical).
The system asks DELETE the Physical? Yes No. Answer Yes to remove the selected physical inventory.
A message verifies the deleted physical inventory number. Click OK.
The physical inventory is removed from the grid.
Click Exit.