Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count - double-click on a grid item.
Warehouse LocationThe location defaults from the Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count screen.
Exclude Assigned In-Shop Service PartsTo exclude service parts from the inventory freeze, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Physical NumberIf you selected Add Physical at the Action to Perform field on the Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count screen, this field defaults to NEW. If you selected Review Physical, the assigned physical inventory number displays in this field.
CountThe number of locations selected for the physical inventory displays.
Storage LocationEnter the location you want to add to your physical inventory cycle count and click the Add button to add it to the grid. If you click on the Action button, the option appears to select all locations or a range of locations using your existing warehouse mask In location tracking, a template or schematic you create to represent the racking system of a warehouse. Masks can represent systems of aisles and bins, levels, areas, etc.. In field formatting, a filter that selectively includes or excludes certain values from a field..
To remove a storage location from the list, double-click the line in the grid and select Remove.
Note that for invisible locations, the Add, Clear, and Remove buttons are inactive.
UsedIf the selected location contains inventory, Yes displays at this field. If the selected location does not contain inventory, No displays.
The grid lists the storage locations you selected for the cycle count and whether or not each location contains inventory.
Location - The selected storage location code displays
Used - If inventory exists in this storage location, this column displays Yes. If not, No is displayed.