View Shopping Cart
Use this routine to view a "shopping
cart," which is a list of merchandise the customer is interested
in purchasing; shopping carts can later be converted into sales orders.
This is a read-only version of
the Enter
a Shopping Cart routine. The fields shown are the same in both the
entry and inquiry versions of the screen. However, you cannot edit any
data on this screen.
Cart ID
Cart Information
Create DateThe date
on which the Cart ID was created appears. You cannot edit this field.
Create TimeThe time
at which the Cart ID was created appears. You cannot edit this field.
StoreEnter the store at which
you are creating the shopping cart. The store specified on the STORIS
Log In screen appears as a default.
Purchase Time FrameEnter
the time frame within which the customer expects to purchase the items
in this shopping cart. Click on the arrow and choose a time frame from
the list that appears. This is not a required field. To choose None,
leave the field blank.
the code for the salesperson
issuing this shopping cart.
Contact Information
CustomerThis routine
does not require you specify a customer number for shopping carts you
create. However, if you enter an existing customer number, the customer
name, address, phone number and email fields display from the Customer
Even if you do not enter a customer number, you can still enter a new name,
address, phone number and email address to associate with the cart.
If you click on the Search button,
you access the Search for a Customer
screen from which you can choose a code. If you click on the Actions
button, you access the Customer Settings where you can create a new customer
the fly”. If you choose to create a new customer, any pertinent
data previously existing in the shopping cart defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
If a check appears at the Search Phone Number
First field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings, the cursor moves directly
to the Phone field after you specify a Cart ID, where the Customer Telephone Number
Lookup feature is available.
If creating
a new customer on-the-fly via this process, the program
automatically assigns a customer code.
Last NameIf you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
First NameIf you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
MiddleIf you do not specify a customer
at the Customer field, this field remains available and you can enter
your own customer information. If you choose to create a new customer,
any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart, including
the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry program.
Address 1 If you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
Address 2If you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
Zip CodeIf you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
CityIf you do not specify a customer
at the Customer field, this field remains available and you can enter
your own customer information. If you choose to create a new customer,
any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart, including
the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry program.
StateIf you do not specify a customer
at the Customer field, this field remains available and you can enter
your own customer information. If you choose to create a new customer,
any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart, including
the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry program.
Phone SourceIf you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
Enter the source (if any) of the customer's phone number (that is, Home, Work,
Cell). Otherwise, leave the field
PhoneIf you do not specify a customer
at the Customer field, this field remains available and you can enter
your own customer information. If you choose to create a new customer,
any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping cart, including
the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer Entry program.
If a check appears at the Search Phone Number First field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings, the cursor moves directly to this field
after you specify a Cart ID, and the Customer
Telephone Number Lookup feature is available.
Email AddressIf you
do not specify a customer at the Customer field, this field remains available
and you can enter your own customer information. If you choose to create
a new customer, any pertinent data previously existing in the shopping
cart, including the contents of this field, defaults into the Customer
Entry program.
No Auto EmailTo omit
this customer from mass electronic mailings generated by eSTORIS,
check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.

ProductEnter the code of the product
you want to add to the shopping cart. If you click on the Search button,
you access the Search
for a Product window from which you can make a selection or create
a list of products to edit in the main routine.
AvailableThe quantity
available for the selected product at the selected location appears. You
cannot edit this field.
DescriptionThe description
of the selected product appears. You cannot edit this field.
PriceThe default
selling price of the selected product appears. You can edit this field.
Note that if re-opening this shopping cart, this price may have changed
based on the Change Price with Lower Price field in the Shopping
Cart Control Settings (Shopping Cart ACF).
BrandThe brand of the selected
product appears. You cannot edit this field.
OrderedThis field defaults to one
and can be changed. Indicate the quantity of the selected product the
customer is interested in purchasing.
StatusThe status of the selected
product appears (from the Purchase Status field in your Advanced
Product Settings). You cannot edit this field.
ExtensionThe price
multiplied by the quantity ordered, less any discount amount, appears.
You cannot edit this field.
Stock LocationThe stock
location appears. You can edit this field.

The following estimated totals for
the line items in the shopping cart appear on this tab. You cannot edit
these fields.
If you click on Save at
any place in the routine, and you have filled all the required fields,
the Print
Options window appears.