This feature uses the internet to help you enter customer address information. If you have a WhitePages Pro API 2.0 Account, the system uses WhitePages API to search for United States telephone numbers.
If you enter a valid telephone number into a telephone field (for example in the Customer Settings) and then click on the Action button next to the field, STORIS searches the internet for address information associated with the telephone number you entered. If found, the system can add the information automatically to the appropriate fields. In this way, entering customer information can be faster and more accurate.
This feature is available at telephone number fields such as the Home Phone field or the Work Phone field, and also via entry routines where you can enter customers on-the-fly (for example, Sales Order Entry).
Important When the system performs the reverse address lookup (searching for an address based on telephone number) via the internet, the speed at which customer information is returned can vary greatly, depending on your internet connection. If you are having issues with the speed of this lookup feature, please check with your internet service provider.
This feature works in two ways, depending on the setting at the Search Phone Number First field in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
If the Search Phone Number First field is enabled and you enter a new customer name in the Customer Code field (you enter new customer names in the Customer Code field - the system automatically assigns a new customer code in a later step), the Customer Settings screen appears and prompts for entry of the Home Phone number first*. After you enter the full phone number, the system automatically performs a search on the internet for a directory listing by phone number (provided you have not yet entered a last name or address).
The telephone lookup feature is also initiated
if you enter a Work Phone number instead of a Home Phone number.
If the Search Phone Number First field is NOT enabled, you can enter a full phone number at the Home Phone or Work Phone fields then click the Action button next to the field to perform the search.
* If a check appears at the Always Search for Customer field in the Point of Sale Control Settings, then the Search for a Customer screen appears before the Customer Settings screen appears.
Whether the system performs the search automatically or via the Action button at the phone number prompt, the search feature displays the directory listings found or a message indicating that no directory listing was found.
If a directory listing is found, you can automatically populate the associated fields (such as customer name and address) by double-clicking on an item from the list, thus eliminating the need to manually enter this information on the file maintenance screen.