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Automatic Stock Replenishment for Locations

The Automatic Stock Replenishment for Locations feature generates transfers automatically (on demand or via the EOD/Generate Daily Reports routine) for merchandise from selected "warehouse" locations to selected store or warehouse locations when stock falls below a user-defined level.  Automatic Stock Replenishment is a key parameter in the Just-In-Time Inventory feature.

 This process is distinct from the Automatic Transfer process, which generates transfers when the stock location differs from the ship-from location for a sales order delivery line item.

The Automatic Stock Replenishment feature performs two basic steps:

  1. Determine which locations require inventory transfers in order to maintain user-defined stock levels, and

  2. Locate and transfer inventory from user-defined warehouse locations to the depleted locations without reducing inventory at the warehouse locations below user-defined stock levels.

The Automatic Stock Replenishment feature references the following fields:

When determining whether a location needs inventory replenishment, EOD references your selection at the Available is Less Than Minimum Stock field, then references the quantity at that field (that is, the Maximum or Minimum field).  For each location, if the quantity available is less than the quantity specified at that field, EOD attempts to transfer merchandise to the location.  

If EOD determines a store/warehouse location requires replenishment, EOD searches the warehouse location specified at the Primary field.  If sufficient inventory exists, the system transfers enough merchandise to meet the Maximum quantity specified for the product.  If sufficient inventory does not exist at the primary location, the process repeats for the secondary location.  If the system cannot find sufficient inventory at either location, no transfer occurs.  For each location, the quantity available for replenishment calculates as the following:

Qty On-HandQTY reserved - Minimum (or Safety) Stock Qty

In other words, when stock levels of a product fall below the Minimum/Maximum level set in the Warehouse Inventory file, a transfer of the Maximum quantity less the available quantity occurs during the Day-Ending process, provided the transfer does not cause the source warehouse to fall below its designated level. Note that alternatively, you can generate replenishment transfers manually using the Replenish Assigned Stock Levels process.


    1. Group Settings

    2. Category Settings

    3. Warehouse/Store Location Settings

    4. Region  

    5. Inventory Control Settings