Accounting > Settings > Revolving Receivables Settings > Payment Agreement Source Settings
Use this routine with the Import Customer Payments feature to define the settings for each organization that remits customer payment data to your company.
SourceEntry in this field is mandatory and is used to define the source code associated with the organization providing customer payment data. Enter an ID of up to 10 alphanumeric characters. To search for an existing code, click the Search button and access the read-only lookup window.
NameThis is a free text mandatory field that you use to enter the name of the company providing the payment data. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Address Line 1Entry of the source company's address is not mandatory. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the first address line.
Address Line 2Entry of the source company's address is not mandatory. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for the second address line.
Zip Code/Postal Code, City/Town, State/ProvinceThe labels for these entry fields are determined by the prompt settings on the Masking tab of your Country Settings. Use these fields to enter the zip/postal code, city/town, and state/province for the source company. You can click the Search button at the State/Province field and access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can select a state/province code.
TelephoneUse this field to indicate the phone number for this source company. You can enter up to 10 numeric characters. Entry is not mandatory.
ExtensionUse this field to indicate the phone extension for this source company. You can enter up to 4 numeric characters. Entry is not mandatory.
ContactUse this field to enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters of contact information. Entry is not mandatory.
Payment TypeUse this mandatory field to specify the Miscellaneous Payment type to be used when posting payments during the on demand or EOD version of Customer Payments Import. The payment type you enter here must have the Use For Payment Agreement Import field checked. If you click the Search button you access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can select a payment type code.
Use this field to indicate the number of times per month payments for Revolving Payment Agreements are remitted by this payment source. You can select 1, 2, or 4; the default setting is 1. This field is used for Revolving Payment Agreements only, for all other processing it is informational only.
If you select 4 at this field, the system does not generate weekly MMP's; it generates 4 MMP's for due dates that are evenly spread out throughout the cycle period.
Each source must be associated with the extraction program to be used in the Customer Payments Import process. The 4 digit number you enter in this field for new source records is provided by STORIS. For existing source records, this field is locked and can only be edited by STORIS.
Currently, there are several extraction programs. The extraction programs that are numbered 0001 & 0002 are designed for revolving customer payment imports. The programs numbered 0003 & 0004 are generic customer payment import programs. One extraction program imports the payments to a specific plan, regardless if the customer has other revolving payment plans. Other programs use a .csv file provided from an outside source and do not contain the customer's payment plan; the standard auto-pay logic is followed, which means if the customer has multiple revolving payment plans with balances the payment might be applied to multiple plans. There is an extraction program for CIBC files received for payments entered via online bill pay. Please contact STORIS for more detail.
Run ProcessThe import process can be run On Demand, at End of Day, or Both. If you select On Demand (the default), you initiate the payment file import/post process by running Customer Payments Import from the menu. If you select End of Day, then when EOD (Generate Daily Reports) is run the system executes the Customer Payments Import process, provided it finds an un-posted payment file. If you select Both, the import/post process is run during EOD and you can also run the Customer Payments Import program on demand.
Payment Posting LocationThis field is active and mandatory when you select End of Day or Both at the Run Process field. Click the arrow button and select the default location that you want to use for posting payments when the import process is run during End of Day.
Click the Arrow button and indicate whether the location of the payment file is PC or NFS (Network File System). This field defaults to PC. If running Generate Daily Reports as a background process, this field must be set to NFS in order to run the Import Customer Payments process during EOD. If the NFS file indicated is not found, the Import Customer Payments process is skipped. If running Import Customer Payments or Generate Daily Reports manually, this field can be set to either PC or NFS.
If you indicate PC at this field, the Browse button is active. Click the Browse button to locate the path and file name of the payment file being imported. Once selected, the File Path and File Name fields below fill in and are validated when you tab to the next field or click the Save button.
The File Path you enter below must be a valid path. It is not required during setup that the File Name be found. A message displays, but you can continue to Save your settings.
File PathUse this mandatory field to specify the location of the payment file for this source. Enter the full path of the file's location, but not the file name. The system looks in this location for the file to use in the customer payment import/post process. File Path Example: C:\PaymentFiles\SocialSecurity
File NameUse this mandatory field to specify the name of the file containing the payment data for this source. This is the file that the system is to use when importing/posting customer payment information. The file must be in comma separated format (.csv) and the file name you specify must include the ".csv" extension. File Name Example: socsec.csv