Report Written Sales by Salesperson
This report breaks out each salesperson’s contribution (split value) on each sales order the salesperson wrote during the selected time period. It also calculates each salesperson’s total split values. The display includes the salesperson’s share of each sales order (percent split) and the total number of salespersons involved with the sale (number split).
Also displayed is each salesperson’s portion of the merchandise amount, gross profit, and order value. The data includes adjustments (exchanges, etc.) and negative numbers as appropriate. Sort is by store, then by salesperson. Summary totals for each salesperson and store appear at the end of the data for each store.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you can report on only the customers and locations to which you have access.
For delivered sales (that is, closed or completed orders), the End-of-Month process purges data from closed periods. To access this information after it has been purged, you can use EIS or create customized sales analysis reports to display written sales data from previous periods.
In the Order Total column, a positive number indicates a sales order and a negative number indicates a customer return.
Date CodeClick the arrow button to select a date code. If you select CUS, you can specify the Start and End Dates.
Start Date, End DateIf you select the date code CUS, you can enter a start and end date for the report or you can leave the fields blank for the earliest and latest dates available. If you are not specifying a custom date range, these fields are filled in based on the date code selected and are not available for change.
SalespersonYou can run the report for all salespeople (leave field blank) or you can limit the report to specific salespeople. Click the search button to select a salesperson code from the list or click the action button to access the multiple selection window, which you can use to select multiple salesperson codes.
DistrictIf you set up sales districts for your company and regional processing is active, you can limit the report to specific districts. Click the arrow button to select one specific district, or click the action button and use the multiple selection window to select multiple (or all) districts.
LocationIf limiting the report by District, you can select No Locations Selected at this field. Otherwise, you can run the report for one or more locations. Click the arrow button to select a location from the list or click the action button to access the Multiple Location Selection Window, which you can use to select multiple locations.
Report TypeIndicate the type of report you want to generate. Choose Detail to generate a report that includes order detail such as the order number, merchandise amount, percent split, and profit percent. Choose Salesperson Summary to generate a report that includes totals only. Choose Both Detail and Summary to generate both report types.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer ( PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.