Report Time Clock Activity
Use this report to view time clock activity for a selected date range and employee range.
Date CodeClick on the Arrow button to view a list of date codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on which to base your report.
Start DateIf you select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the start date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
End DateIf you select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use this field to specify the end date of the custom date range for which you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and you cannot edit this field.
Start User Use this field to specify the first User ID code in the alphabetical range of employees for which you want to run this report. If you leave this field blank, the date range starts from the first User ID code in your system. To run the report for all users, leave this field and the End User field blank.
End UserUse this field to specify the last User ID code in the alphabetical range of users for which you want to run this report. If you leave this field blank, the date range ends at the last User ID code in your system. To run the report for all users, leave this field and the Start User field blank.
Select UserIndicate the user or users to be included in the report. If you click the Search button you access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window, from which you can use to select one or more users.
If you run this report by district or store, the program lists time clock activity for those users whose first location listed at the Valid Logon Locations field in the User file matches a store specified here. That is, if you run the report for store 26, the report lists all time clock activity for users whose first location on this list is store 26. If you run the report for store 88, the report excludes activity for users whose first location is not 88, even if one or more of those users logged into store 88 at some point within the selected date range.
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathIf you select either the Personal Report Viewer ( PRV), Excel Export, or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once you select the run-time options, choose Run to produce the report.