Home > Receivables > Collections > Assign and Print Collections Letters
Assign and Print Collections Letters
Use this routine to mass-produce Collections letters for past-due customers who qualify for Collections. The program
For customers with letters already assigned to them, this process assigns the letters you specify here and does not overwrite the existing assignments.
For letters you generate here, the system updates the Collector statistics file and posts comments to the Collector Comments file.
If generating collections letters via export file, the system creates an Excel® spreadsheet containing one column for each of the below pieces of information and one row for each customer. You can then use the spreadsheet to perform a mail-merge or import it into an external process to generate letters.
If generating collections Letters via the Enhanced Laser Printing, the system creates the XML code for the collections letters.
You can also print Collections letters via the Print Collections Letters routine.
Store LocationEnter the code of the location (if any) whose customer's Collections letters you want to print. If you click on the Arrow, a list of stores appears from which you can choose. If you click on the Action button, the Multiple Location Selection Window appears from which you can select one or more. If you leave the field blank, you select all locations.
Note that if you enter a response at this field, you inactivate the District field. This field is active only if the Location field is enabled in the Collections Processing Control Settings.
CollectorEnter the code of the collector whose collections letters you want to print. If you click on the Search button, the Multiple Selection Lookup Window appears from which you can select one or more. If you leave the field blank, you select all collections.
Past Due Days
In these mandatory fields you specify a range of past-due days. The process then selects customers for collection letters whose past-due days fall within that range.
From Enter the initial day in the range of past-due days. Enter a number between 1 and 9999. The number you enter here cannot be greater than the number in the To field. Customers whose past-due days fall within the range you specify using this field and the To field are selected.
To Enter the final day in the range of past-due days. Enter a number between 1 and 9999. The number you enter here cannot be less than the number in the From field. Customers whose past-due days fall within the range you specify using this field and the To field are selected.
Past Due $
In these optional fields you specify a range of past-due amounts. The process then selects customers for collection letters whose past-due amount falls within that range.
Minimum Past Due $ To select customers based on a range of past-due amounts, enter the minimum past-due dollar amount (if any) here. Customers whose past-due amount exceeds this amount are selected.
Maximum Past Due $ To select customers based on a range of past-due amounts, enter the maximum past-due dollar amount (if any) here. Customers whose past-due amount is less than this amount are selected.
Letter Click the Arrow button and select the collection letter you want to generate.
Print NowTo generate letters immediately, check the box at the field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. This field is inactive until you specify a letter at the Letter field.
If you check the box at the field, the system checks the Collection Letters field in the Collections Processing Control Settings screen to determine the type of file to output and then generates the letters when you click on Run.
Name of FileEnter the name of the file in which to store the generated letters. The name you enter must be a valid Windows® file name and extension. This field is active only if your system is set to generate Collections letters via an export file (that is, Export Letter is selected at the Collections Letter field in the Collections Processing Control Settings).
Path to File
For each letter, the program passes the following information to the export file or to the Forms Designer:
Customer Name
Cosigner Address 1
Address Line 1
Cosigner Address 2
Address Line 2
Cosigner Occupation
Cosigner Employer
Long Term Revolving Balance
Zip Code
Open Item Balance
Home Telephone Number
Total Account Balance
Work Telephone Number
Current Due
Cell Phone
Past Due 1 to 30
Email Address
Past Due 31 to 60
Credit Limit
Past Due 61 to 90
Past Due 91 to 120
Last Payment Amount
Employer Address1
Last Payment Date
Employer Address 2
Last Purchase Amount
Co-Applicant Name
Last Purchase Date
Co-Applicant Employer
Promise to Pay Date
Promise to Pay Amount