Tabs: Bill Selection, Bill Approval, Check Review, EFT Review
Use this process to create payments for AP bills. The process covers all aspects of check-run processing including inquiries on printed or pending check runs, and also allows for Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). For payments with a status of Pending (that is, voided or not printed), you can specify an existing check run or EFT, and you can continue processing from the point at which it was saved.
Only one pending payment can exist for a bank at a time. That is,
for each bank, you must complete the current check run or EFT (if any)
before starting another.
Use this area to specify a check run record or EFT batch and display its status.
Use this tab to specify AP bill selection criteria for approval and payment generation.
Select the bill types you want to include in the payment. You have the following options:
Direct Ship
Special order Non-inventory
Customer Refund
For customer refund payments, if no invoice number exists for an
AP bill on the payment, the program includes the customer number instead.
Select the credit types you want to include in the payment. You have the following options:
Vendor Receivable
Service Warranty
Adjusted Inventory
Select the payment dates you want to include in the payment. You have the following options:
You can click on the Save button anytime after the initial selection of AP bills. The program saves the payment record with a Pending status. You can re-access at any time to continue the payment.
This tab displays a grid of all AP bills selected based on the criteria specified on the Bill Selection tab. Bills sort by vendor class, vendor remit-to, bill type, invoice number, and either due date, discount date, or anticipated pay date. The information in the grid is sorted according to the Sort Detail Lines on Stub by on the Advanced tab of Payables Control Settings. The grid contains the following columns:
Bill - AP bill key
Invoice - Vendor invoice. Note that if the AP bill associated with the invoice has been purged, "Unknown" displays in this column.
Remit-To - Remit-To name
Bill Type – Short description
Due/Pay Date - Either the due date or the anticipated pay date appears based on your selection at the Type field on the Bill Selection tab.
Terms Date - selects bills based on terms date.
Amount Due - Signed, credits are negative
Discount – Signed, always negative
Approved - Signed, credits are negative
Edit - To edit or review bill information, click on this button. The Enter/Update Individual Vendor Invoice appears.
Remove - To remove a selected bill from the grid, click on this button.
If you click on a cell in the Approved column, you can update the Approved amount with any value including zero. Entering zero effectively deletes the bill from the grid.
Any changes you make reflect in the Check Run/Payment process. If
you edit a current bill, the program re-qualifies the bill using the current
selection criteria specified on the Bill Selection tab. If for any reason
the bill has changed so that it no longer matches the selection criteria,
a warning message appears. If you say Yes, the program includes the bill
in the payment batch. If you say No, the program removes the bill from
the payment batch.
Changes to remit-to information can result in new payments and/or the consolidation
of existing payments. For example, if you change the check print
bank for an AP bill, the program removes the AP bill from the process.
This tab displays a grid of AP checks for printing based on approved bills from the Bill Approval tab. The program consolidates AP bills with the same vendor and vendor remit-to into single checks (except Customer Refund AP Bills, which are never consolidated). To create separate checks, use the Payment Register Maintenance Screen. Checks sort by vendor remit-to, vendor, and payment register key. The grid contains the following columns:
Reference - the payment register key displays. For pending check runs where an AP payment register key has not yet been assigned, the program assigns a temporary reference.
Remit-To – Remit-to Name
Vendor – Vendor Name
Amount - Check Amount
o Pending – in process, not yet printed.
o Printed
o Reconciled
o Voided
Check – Check Number (Printed status only)
If you double-click on a grid item, the Payment Register Maintenance
Screen appears.
This tab is active only if you disable the Process Using Electronic Funds
Transfer field on the Date
For New Batch Window. When this tab is active, the EFT Review
tab is inactive.
To report on a check run, use the Report
Payables Disbursement option on the Actions button below.
If an approved bill results in a negative payment for any vendor remit-to,
the grid highlights the payment and the Print Checks button inactivates.
To proceed, you must first address all negative payments.
The Sort Detail Lines on Stub by
field in Payables
Control Settings determines the sequence in which the AP checks in
the grid are displayed.
This tab displays a grid of electronic funds transfer (EFT) batches for printing based on approved bills from the Bill Approval tab. The program consolidates AP bills with the same vendor and vendor remit-to into single batches (except Customer Refund AP Bills, which are never consolidated). To create separate batches, use the Payment Register Maintenance Screen. Batches sort by vendor remit-to, vendor, and payment register key. The grid contains the following columns:
Reference - the payment register key displays. For pending EFT batches where an AP payment register key has not yet been assigned, the program assigns a temporary reference.
Remit-To – Remit-to Name
Vendor – Vendor Name
Amount - Payment Amount
o Pending – in process, not yet printed.
o Printed
o Reconciled
o Voided
EFT – Batch Number
If you double-click on a grid item, the Payment Register Maintenance
Screen appears.
This tab is active only you enable the Process Using Electronic Funds Transfer
field on the Date
For New Batch Window. When this tab is active, the Check Review
tab is inactive.
To report on a payment batch, use the Report
Payables Disbursement option on the Actions button below.
If an approved bill results in a negative payment for any vendor remit-to,
the grid highlights the payments and the Create EFT File button inactivates.
To proceed, you must first address all negative payments.