Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Inventory Management > Advanced Warehouse Management > View AWM Activity
Use this inquiry to monitor RF users' progress and performance on their scheduled functions. The program tracks the number of pieces processed, NIL Not in location - used in physical inventory processes to indicate that item is not in the expected location'd, and damaged on a function-by-function basis.
This routine may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all customers
and locations.
WarehouseEnter the code of the location
on which you want to inquire. The default location from the log-in
screen appears, if any. You can override the default response. Advanced
Warehouse Management must be active at the selected location.
If you click on the Arrow, you can choose from the drop-down list of locations
available to you. Note that here
and at any other Location field , the locations you see (that is, the
list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
RF UserThis field indicates whether
the inquiry will be run for one RF user or for all RF users. Select a
user from the drop-down list or leave the field blank for all RF users.
The user(s) entered here must exist in the Staff
(Create a User) file and must
be set up as RF users.
a date to inquire on the user(s)' activity for that date, or leave the
field blank to inquire on activity for all dates.
RF FunctionSelect
a specific RF Function to inquire on the progress of that function, or
leave the field blank to inquire on all functions. Click the Search
button at this field to select from a list of valid AWM
Function Settings (AWM Function Maintenance).
Start Time, End TimeThe fields
for Start Time and End Time are optional. If specified, the screen display
will be for just that time interval. These calculations will not be instantaneous.
The amount of time required for these calculations will depend on the
amount of RF activity for the day in question.
the box at this field to re-display the grid, showing the detailed totals
for the day at that point in time.
The grid displays, for each RF Function listed, the Scheduled number of pieces, the number of pieces Complete, the Pcnt (Percent) complete, the number of pieces Remaining, the Pcnt (Percent) remaining, the number of pieces in NIL (Not In Location), the Pcnt (Percent) in NIL, the number of pieces in As-Is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc., the Pcnt (Percent) in As-Is, and the total number of active Users currently in an RF function. A user is considered actively in a function when the AWM scheduling process directs them to that function or they are actively performing the function.
For the RF
functions PUTAWAY, INTERIM, and OTHB2B, the only column that records
data is the Complete column. This is because the scheduled quantity
cannot be tied directly to a true originating quantity since the quantity
always changes.
If you click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen, a menu appears with the offering extra actions:
Create an AWM Schedule (AWM Scheduling)
View AWM Activity (RF User Activity Inquiry)
View AWM Performance (Warehouse Performance Monitor)