Web Category Settings
Tabs: Product, SEO, Filters
Use this routine to create web categories, via which you can organize your web products. You can also use the Filters tab in this routine to apply web category filters for use with the eSTORIS Product Search Filter.
A list of web categories appears on the left side of the eSTORIS home page. You can also access web categories via in the Category field in the eSTORIS Advanced Product Search.
eSTORIS web categories are distinct from STORIS product categories in that you use web categories only in eSTORIS.
Web CategoryIf creating a new web category, enter the name here. To edit or view an existing web category, enter the name here or click on the Search button to choose from the list that appears.
DescriptionIf creating a new web category, enter the description here. Otherwise, the description for the web category you specified above appears here. If you click on the Action button at this field, the Description Field - Language Translation Entry screen appears in which you can translate the description text you entered for this category.
Add-On Delivery DaysEnter the number of days you want to add on to the estimated delivery time for products in this web category ordered via the eSTORIS web site. Note that the total estimated delivery time includes the amount you enter here as well as the amount in the Minimum Number of Lead Days field in the Web Control Settings (Web Settings ACF).
Product ID for ImageEnter the product ID, or code, for the product that contains the image you want to appear on the web site as the representative image for this web category during product searches. For example, if your web category is Living Room, you can use this field to select a living room image that best represents the living rooms in this web category.
If the code you specify does not have an image associated with it, the system uses the image (if any) associated with the vendor model number for this product. Note that you associate web products with images via the eSTORIS Admin area, not the STORIS Attach Files feature.
Web Master IDUse this field to assign the web category to a web master. If you click on the Search button, a list of web masters appears from which you can choose.
Display Selling PriceTo display the selling price of items in this web category on the eSTORIS web site, check this box. If you leave this box blank, the system displays "Price available upon request" next to items in this category instead of the selling price. Note that eSTORIS prevents users from checking out with items in your cart that have no price.
Unavailable On WebTo make the items in this web category unavailable on the eSTORIS web site, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. We suggest you leave this box checked as you are developing this category. Then, when the category is ready for the web site, remove the check from the box.
Designate as NewTo feature the items in this web category as new on the eSTORIS web site, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
This field is only active if the Days Product is Featured as 'New' field on the Administration tab in Web Control Settings is populated.
Sort OrderUse this field to sort categories listed on navigational menus in eSTORIS. The number you enter here (1=first; 2=second, etc.) determines the order in which this category appears in relation to the other categories on the menu.
Group LevelIcovia's Room Builder application uses the numeric value (1-7) in this field when positioning product images relative to one another within the "room".
Product Sort Order

Use this tab to enter search engine optimization (SEO) information for world-wide-web searches of eSTORIS products. The data you enter here provides content to the eSTORIS web page associated with the selected web category. This content assists in search engine optimization with the intention of improving the web page's ranking in search engine results, thus increasing the likelihood that customers searching the world wide web will find the web category's eSTORIS web page.
KeywordsUse this field to enter keywords the SEO process can use to improve this web category's ranking in search engine results. You can enter as many keywords as you like for the selected web category. Separate each entry with a comma.
The keywords you enter here appear in the Keywords section of the web category's web page.
Meta DescriptionEnter a Meta description of the web page associated with the selected web category for use with the search engine optimization process.
Title TagEnter a title for the web page associated with this web category. The text you enter here is reference by the SEO process.
Image Alt TagEnter the description you want to appear when a user hovers their mouse over the web category image on eSTORIS. The text you enter here is reference by the SEO process.
SEO URLEnter an SEO URL for the web page associated with the selected web category. When viewing this web category on eSTORIS, the address you enter here displays in the address bar instead of the actual address. The text you enter here is reference by the SEO process.
Each URL must be unique, even across STORIS files. For example, if the Web Category file has sofas/luxury.aspx, then the Web Collection file cannot use that same URL.
The following routines also have SEO tabs:
- Advanced Product Settings
- Web Collection Settings
- Web Master Settings
Use this tab to specify the filtering methods (if any) you want to make available to the eSTORIS Product Search Filter when searching eSTORIS for products associated with the selected web category. Note that if you assign filter categories, you must use the Web Category Filter Value Assignments routine to assign filter values to those web category filters in order form the filters to appear in eSTORIS.
BrandTo filter by brand, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Price RangeTo filter by price range, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
CollectionTo filter by collection, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Filter CategoriesEnter the code of the web category filter (if any) you want to make available to the eSTORIS Product Search Filter when searching eSTORIS for products associated with the selected web category. If you click on the Search button, a list of filter categories appears from which you can choose.