This Help topic describes the read-only version of the Price-Spiff-Commission
Table. If you access the read-only version (for example via
the View Product Activity
routine), you can view price/spiff/commission information for a selected
product but you cannot edit any data. The documentation for the
entry version of the routine appears below for informational purposes
Use this feature to create pricing tables for individual products in the Advanced Product Settings. You set up a price table for each product to which you want to apply this feature. You can use the tables to determine selling prices and also to associate a specific commission rate and/or spiff amount with a selling price.
To access this table, the Pricing Levels field on the Pricing and
Commissions tab in the Point
of Sale Control Settings must be set to Product. If this field is
set to Store, Level Pricing is
active on your system.
In Sales
Order Entry, you can edit the commission category and spiff amount.
First, select a line item, then click on the Actions button and
select Additional
Line Item Display. On the General tab, click on the Actions
button to access the Commission/Spiff
Updates Screen.
Access the Price/Spiff/Commission Table feature from the Actions menu on the Pricing Tab of the Advanced Product Settings.
To add the price level to the grid, click the Add button. To change or remove a price level already entered, double-click the line in the grid. To update the price table, click on Save.
When the system prompts you for a product's price during sales order entry, the following occurs based on the existence of a price table for that product.
If no table has been specified for a product, the system uses the regular selling price, as normal.
If a table is present, the following occurs:
a. The system checks the customer record Class code. If a Class code is present in the customer record and that class matches the Price Category field in the price table, the selling price defaults to the corresponding price level from the table.
b. If the customer record does not contain a class that is also present (as a Price Category) in the price table, the system uses the highest price level from the table as the default selling price.
If a sales promotion is in effect for a product, the system determines the selling price as the lower of the promotional price or the default table price based on the customer class.
Once the system determines a default price, you can manually change the selling price.
a. From the Merchandise tab in Sales Order entry, click the Actions button located at the bottom of the screen. Select Price/Spiff/Commission Table from the menu to display the price table.
b. If the you select a line in the table, the system uses the indicated price level as the selling price. Based on system settings, you may also have the ability to manually override that price.
If a price table is not present for any given product, sales commission derives via the usual methods in STORIS.
If a price table is present, the system always bases commission on information from the table for the product.
a. If you select a promotional price, the system still selects commission and/or spiff amounts from the price table.
b. When calculating the commission for the individual lines of a soft kit , the system uses the kit selling price against the table to determine the appropriate commission and/or spiff amount.
c. When calculating sales commission and/or spiff for hard kits, the system uses the table information from the kit master.
d. To insure that a negative commission is charged on ‘giveaways’, include a zero sell price line at the bottom of the table with a Gross Profit calculation method.
The system applies spiff data at the time of order entry. Therefore, if you edit the spiff while a product is on an open order, the system does not update orders with the new spiff data. To apply the new spiff data, you must re-enter the item onto the order.