Assign Default Vendor Ship From Locations



This screen lists all vendors that have multiple ship-from locations. This screen appears automatically when 1) the Create Purchase Order Per Sales Order field is checked in Replenish Inventory for Current Back Order Needs, and 2) the selected vendors have multiple ship-from locations.

The grid displays the below information about each vendor. The main ship location information is defaulted. Once a ship-from address is selected via the Assign Ship From button, the Name, Ship From Address, and City / Country columns are populated with the corresponding information. Once you click Save, the purchase orders are generated.

If the Create Purchase Orders by Default Vendor Ship From option is checked in the Replenish Inventory for Current Back Order Needs screen, the vendor appears only if merchandise for that vendor does not have an assigned ship-from location in Advanced Product Settings (Vendor Ship-From field). Additionally, when creating purchase orders for a vendor that requires purchases from multiple ship-from locations, only the merchandise with no assigned ship-from location defaults to the ship-from locations chosen in this screen.