Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Inventory Management > Designate Inventory for As-Is Processing
Use this routine to create or maintain lists of inventory designated for As-Is processing. This process is used in locator tracked locations (only) to move inventory to a temporary storage location for inspection and final disposition, either back to sellable status or designated for return to vendor.
The movement of inventory using this process can be completed via AWM
RF processing or you can print the list (Print Report of Screen Detail
option from the Actions button) and manually move the inventory. AWM RF
processing is not required for this process.
Enter the unique name of the list being created or maintained. Click the Search button to locate an existing list. This ID is used in the assignment to an RF user via AWM schedule processing. The list can also be printed out (Print Report of Screen Detail option from the Actions button) and used for manual movement of inventory.
If you assign this list to an RF user via AWM processing, you can
edit the list using this screen only if the RF status is Closed or
Suspended. If the RF status is Open, you can view the list in inquiry
mode only.
The latest processed date (if any) for items in this list displays here.
Use this mandatory field to indicate the location where the inventory is physically located. Your user login location defaults here, provided it is locator tracked. If not, the first locator tracked location in your list of accessible locations defaults here. You can click the Arrow button and select a different locator tracked location.
Use this mandatory field to indicate the destination storage location where the pieces are being moved. The storage location you enter here must have a reason code associated with it via the Tracked Storage Location Settings.
Once you enter the storage location, if the associated reason code does not have the Not Available For Sale field checked in the reason code settings, a warning is issued and you have the option to continue or enter a different storage location.
The reason code associated with the destination storage location via Tracked Storage Location Settings displays here.
Use this optional field to specify the product or products to be processed. If you click the Search button you access the Search for a Product window, where you can search for and select products. If you click the Action button, you access the Multiple Product Selection Window, where you can select multiple product codes.
If you specify products at this field, the Storage Location field (next) becomes inactive. If you leave this field blank, you can indicate that all products in a specific storage location are to be processed by entering the Storage Location field.
You can specify bulk products in this field, but processing of these
products is limited to the movement of inventory between storage locations.
Bulk products cannot be assigned an As-Is status.
Indicate the storage location(s) where the items to be processed are located. You can enter one storage location or click the Action button to access the Multiple Storage Location Selection Window, where you can specify multiple storage locations. When you indicate one or more storage locations, the system assumes that all products in that storage location are targeted for processing and the assigned RF user is instructed to move everything from that location to the destination storage location.
If you specified a single product that is serial tracked, special order, or has at least one As-Is piece on hand, use this field to indicate the serial/reference number for the specific piece(s). If you click the Action button, you access the Multiple Serial/Reference Number and Storage Location Selection Window.
You can indicate one or more purchase order numbers to process items on the purchase orders, or you can leave this field blank. If you click the Search button, you access a menu of inquiry screens you can use to locate and select a purchase order. If you click the Action button, you access the Multiple Purchase Order Selection Window, where you can select multiple purchase orders.
If you specify a Starting and Ending Date (next fields), only products on the selected purchase orders that were received within that date range are included in the designated list. If you do not specify a date range, all products received on the selected purchase orders are included.
If you selected one or more purchase orders, you can use these fields to limit the list to products that were received during a specified date range. Click the calendar icon at each field to select a date from the drop-down calendar.
To generate or update the list based on your selected criteria, click the Create/Update button. The grid populates with items in the list.
The grid contains the list of products based on your selected criteria. You can select a line in the grid to edit by double-clicking the line. Data columns for the grid include:
Product - Product code is displayed.
Storage Location - The storage location where the product is currently located is displayed.
(Quantities) Total - This column displays the total number of pieces of the product located in the specified storage location.
(Quantities) Qualified - This column displays the total number of pieces that are not in an exception status and were in the storage location at the time you created/updated the list. To refresh this information, you must select the inventory again using the Create/Update button. If you are manually moving a product, when you enter the Quantity to Move, the system verifies the quantity against the current qualified quantity and not the quantity displayed here.
(Quantities) Not Qualified - This column displays the number of pieces of the product in the storage location that matched one of the exception conditions at the time you created/updated the list. To refresh this information, you must select the inventory again using the Create/Update button.
(Quantities) To Move - If you indicated a Quantity to Move, this column displays the number of pieces to be manually moved to the destination storage location.
(Quantities) Already Moved - This column displays the quantity already moved, either manually via this process or by the assigned RF user.
Processed Date - This column displays the most recent date that the associated grid row was processed, either manually via this process or by an RF user. A date in this column indicates that the product/storage location combination is in "complete" status and is not included in subsequent RF sessions. In addition, the system uses the Processed Date and the Retain Completed As-Is Lists NN Days field to determine when completed lists can be purged during End of Month (Generate Monthly Reports) processing.
The product code and storage location displays for the selected line.
To manually move pieces of the selected product, enter the quantity to move in this field and click the Add (Plus) button.
The Details of As-Is Processing screen appears automatically when you enter a number in this field, provided the product is special order, serial tracked, or there are As-Is pieces in the associated storage location. You can also access the Details of As-Is Processing screen via the Action button at this field.
The system uses the Processed Date and the Retain Completed As-Is Lists NN Days field to determine when completed lists can be purged during End of Month (Generate Monthly Reports) processing.
Use this field to manually update the Processed Date for the grid row. If you check the box and then click the Add (Plus) button, the current date populates the Processed Date column in the grid. A processed date indicates that the As-Is designation has been processed and this product/storage location combination does not appear on the RF device in subsequent sessions.
If you select a grid row containing a date in the Processed Date column, you can remove the processed date by removing the check from this box and then clicking the Add button.
Print Report of Screen Detail - Select this option to print the grid detail for items in the selected list.