Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Location Settings > Tracked Storage Location Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Location Settings > Tracked Storage Location Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 3 - Business Information > Get Started - Designate Locations > Tracked Storage Location Settings
If using the Location Tracking feature, use this routine to identify selected storage locations as "special", for example staging areas or priority-pick locations.
This routine may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you may not have access to all locations.
To delete a storage location, it must be empty.
Warehouse LocationEnter
the code of the location for which you want to maintain storage locations.
The location you specify must be set up for Location
If you click on the Arrow, you can choose from the drop-down list of locations
set up for location tracking. Note
that here and at any other Location field, the locations you see (that
is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Enter the storage location you want to edit within the selected warehouse or store. The storage location must already exist in the system.
Important! If Bar Code is active at a location, STORIS does not recommend building and using only one storage location to track all inventory at that store/warehouse. In addition, no more than 1000 pieces should exist in one storage location. Running reports and uploading scanner data can be drastically affected by the number of items in a single storage location.
Staging AreaIf this
storage location is a staging area, check the box at this prompt. The
delivery manifest process uses staging areas to hold items already picked
from bin locations. STORIS recommends you build one or more storage
locations for this process and use them only when staging items on a manifest.
Priority LocationIf this
storage location is a priority picking location, check the box at this
prompt. At the time of picking delivery orders, the system searches
this location first for available pieces. Typically, this location holds
open-carton merchandise.
To indicate that this storage location is a cross dock location, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank (default setting). Both the Priority Location and Cross Dock Location settings can be set at the same time. Here are the rules when using these settings:
When the Cross Dock Location or Priority Location check box is checked, the storage location is included when calculating the available on-hand supply in order to determine how many cross dock labels to print.
When pieces are assigned, locations with the Priority Location checked, and the Cross Dock Location checked or unchecked, take precedence over those with only the Cross Dock Location set.
Locations with the Priority Location unchecked, but Cross Dock Location checked, take precedence over all other locations, with the exception of Priority Pick Locations.
This Cross Dock Location setting is exported to Data Warehouse.
Service LocationTo designate
this location as a Service (parts) storage location, check the box at
this prompt. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Enter the picking zone (that is, either 1, 2, or 3) that you want to apply to this storage location. You can assign multiple storage locations to a picking zone. You can also leave this field blank.
You can also use the Picking
By Zone Assignment Window to enter picking zones for storage locations.
If you are processing damaged inventory for a distribution center, you use this field to assign the As-Is reason code for this destination location. Enter the code or click the Search button to select the reason code to be associated with the indicated storage location.
In order for a storage location to be recognized as a "destination storage location", a reason code must be specified here. The reason code you indicate should have the Not Available For Sale field checked in the reason code settings. If it does not, a warning is issued and you have the option to continue or enter a different code.
The following fields are used only with the directed putaway process.
To indicate that this storage location is available as a destination location with the directed putaway process, check the box. Available storage locations are used by the putaway process to determine where merchandise should be placed. If this location is not used with the putaway process, leave this field blank.
Use this field to indicate the velocity for this storage location. The putaway process uses this setting when attempting to match the product's velocity with the storage location's velocity. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the Storage Location Velocity in Inventory Control Settings.
The Height, Width, and Depth fields below are used to calculate the total volume of the storage location.
If you check the box at Putaway Destination, this field is mandatory. Enter the height (1-99999) of this storage location. This field is used by the putaway process to calculate the volume of the storage location and to determine where merchandise should be placed.
If you check the box at Putaway Destination, this field is mandatory. Enter the width (1-99999) of this storage location. This field is used by the putaway process to calculate the volume of the storage location and to determine where merchandise should be placed.
If you check the box at Putaway Destination, this field is mandatory. Enter the depth (1-99999) of this storage location. This field is used by the putaway process to calculate the volume of the storage location and to determine where merchandise should be placed.
You can use this optional setting to indicate a weight restriction for this storage location. This is used by the putaway process to ensure that the maximum weight for this storage location is not exceeded. Enter the maximum weight as a whole number, from 1-99999. If you leave this field blank, weight is not calculated; therefore there is no weight restriction for this location.
Use this field to indicate the maximum capacity percentage. The percentage is used by the putaway process to calculate available space in this storage location and determine where merchandise is to be placed. Enter the capacity percentage in whole numbers, from 1-999. If you leave this field blank, the system uses 100 percent when calculating available space.
Use this field to indicate the number of different products that can be placed in this storage location. Enter the count in whole numbers from 1-99. For example, if you enter 1 in this field and then place pieces of that product in this storage location, only additional pieces of that same product can be placed here (provided other maximums have not been reached). If you leave this field blank, a count of 99 is used when calculating where merchandise is to be placed.
Use this optional field to indicate that only certain products can be placed in this storage location. Click the Search button to access the Search for a Product window where you can search for product codes. If you click the Action button, you access the Multiple Product Selection Window, where you can list multiple product codes. When the putaway process calculates where merchandise is to be placed, only products that match the product codes listed here can be placed in this location. If you leave this field blank, specific products are not restricted to this storage location.
If you enter one or more storage categories in this optional field, the putaway process places only products associated with those categories into this storage location. Click the Search button to select one or more storage categories from the list or click the Action button to access the Multiple Storage Category Selection window. If you leave this field blank, storage category is not a limitation when the putaway process determines where merchandise is to be placed.
Remove All Pieces From Pick - If you select this Actions option, the internal priority pick flag is removed from all pieces that are currently in the storage location you selected.
When you select this option, the system checks the storage location’s current Priority Location setting. If the Priority Location setting is checked, a message appears stating 'Storage Location is a "Priority Location". Continue?'
If you choose Yes, the priority pick flag is removed from all the pieces in the storage location. If you choose No or Cancel, no pieces are updated and the settings screen remains open.
If the Priority Location setting is not checked, the update is performed without any prompting or confirmation.
Upon successful completion of this action, the following message is displayed: "All Pieces in Storage Location A1 updated." If there were no pieces to update, a message displays stating "Location A1 contains no pieces."
This update to the pieces in the storage location occurs immediately upon selection of the option, and if prompted, when you choose to continue. When the "updated" message displays, the pieces have already been updated; the update does not depend on whether or not you click the Save button on this screen. (However, you must use the Save button to update any changes you make to the settings on this screen.)
The pieces in inventory are updated independently of the Priority Location setting on this screen.
Set All Pieces To Priority Pick - If you select this Actions option, the internal priority pick flag is set on all pieces that are currently in the storage location you selected.
When you select this option, the system checks the storage location’s current Priority Location setting. If the Priority Location setting is not checked, a message appears stating 'Storage Location is not a "Priority Location". Continue?'
If you choose Yes, the priority pick flag is set for all the pieces in the storage location. If you choose No or Cancel, no pieces are updated and the settings screen remains open.
If the Priority Location setting is checked, the update is performed without any prompting or confirmation.
Upon successful completion of this action, the following message is displayed: "All Pieces in Storage Location A1 updated." If there were no pieces to update, a message displays stating "Location A1 contains no pieces."
This update to the pieces in the storage location occurs immediately upon selection of the option, and if prompted, when you choose to continue. When the "updated" message displays, the pieces have already been updated; the update does not depend on whether or not you click the Save button on this screen. (However, you must use the Save button to update any changes you make to the settings on this screen.)
The pieces in inventory are updated independently of the Priority Location setting on this screen.