This topic contains a list of questions frequently asked by STORIS users about Purchase Orders. If you click on a question, the answer appears. Please note that more than one solution may exist for a given situation. Read the answers completely to determine which method best suits your company's needs.
Purchasing Sub-Categories: Purchase Order, Purchase Order Receiving, Purchase Order Replenishment, Purchase Order Reports
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How do I create a purchase order for a special-order product?
You can create purchase orders for special-order product A product whose characteristics you can modify such as color or fabric. STORIS lists these custom options in descriptions for special-order products, allowing you to identify individual products based on their unique characteristics.s using either Enter a Sales Order or Enter a Purchase Order.
Via Enter a Sales Order:
In Enter a Sales Order, you indicate the code of the special order product or create a new product on-the-fly, via the Merchandise tab. You enter your special order product information on the Special Order Entry screen.
If there is insufficient quantity of the special order product, and you have the appropriate settings, you can create a purchase order for the special order product from within Enter a Sales Order. You may either be prompted to create the PO, or it may be created automatically, depending on your settings. In addition, you may be required to reserve the item to the sales order. Check the following settings on your system: "Create special order purchase orders within POS entry" user/user group Purchasing Security settings, "Purchase Order - Automatically Create and Assignment Required" fields in the Special Order Control Settings.
Create a Purchase Order in the normal manner, specifying the PO number, date, buyer ID, and vendor.
On the Merchandise tab, enter the code of a special-order product or create a new special order product on-the-fly via the Action button option, Create / Edit Product (be sure to check the Special Ordered box for the new product). Use the Special Order Information Window to enter information specific to this merchandise, such as special-order options and detail.
Use the Special Order Instructions window, available from the Actions button on the Merchandise tab, to enter special instructions to the vendor.
Complete the order as usual. See Enter a Purchase Order for detail.
How do I create a purchase order with multiple distribution locations?
To create a purchase order for merchandise you want to distribute to multiple locations, do the following:
Create a Purchase Order in the normal manner, specifying the PO number, date, buyer ID, and vendor.
At the Receiving At field, click the Action button to access the Program List Creation window.
At the List field, enter the code of an existing distribution list or enter a new code to create a list. When you return to Purchase Order Entry, the Receiving At field indicates that multiple locations have been selected ("...") and the list description displays below the field.
On the Merchandise tab When a routine is too large to fit on one screen, it is separated into one or more tabs, so called because they resemble the tabs on filing folders., enter the product information as normal.
Following entry of the Quantity, the Line Item Distribution window displays where you can specify the quantities to distribute to each location in your distribution list. By default, the system attempts to distribute the quantity evenly among the locations, but you can change this.
How do I change the delivery date for an open purchase order?
This depends on whether or not an acknowledgement has been entered for the purchase order. If the PO has not been acknowledged in STORIS, you can access the purchase order via Enter a Purchase Order and change the delivery date. If the PO has been acknowledged, you must use the Acknowledge a Purchase Order routine to change the delivery date.
How can I change a vendor's shipping address on an individual purchase
Once you establish alternate shipping addresses for a vendor (via the Vendor Ship From Settings), each time you enter that vendor into a purchase order, a prompt appears asking if you want to select a ship from location. If you say Yes, a list of ship from locations appears from which you can choose.
You can also access the Vendor Ship From Settings
via the Actions button on
the Miscellaneous tab of Vendor
How is "net available" quantity calculated in STORIS?
STORIS uses the following equation to calculate the net available quantity of a product:
The above equation translates literally as "net available equals the total quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse. less the number of items reserved to orders, less floor samples, and less As-Is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. items". Each subsequent week then shows the prior week's ending total net available as the new week's beginning net available.
total quantity currently on open purchase orders - *unreserved quantity - layaway sales.
*The unreserved quantity of a product consists of the quantity
from non-layaway sales orders that are not fully reserved (including
CWC's and ASAP's), minus open credit memos that are not flagged As-Is.
Can I change the line comments in order entry after the linked purchase
order has been printed?
Once the purchase order that is linked to the sales order has been printed, you cannot update line comments from within order entry. However, you can access the purchase order via Enter a Purchase Order, and select Special Order Instruction from the Actions button on the Merchandise tab. When you add instructions on this screen, the linked sales order is also updated.
How do I add extended descriptive information
to a product to be included on a purchase order?
Access the product in Advanced Product Settings, then click the global Actions button in the General page to select Special Order Information. (The product does not have to be a special order product.)
In the Special Order Information Window, enter the Custom Fabric Information (CFI) using the Frame, Color, Grade, and/or Upholstery fields. At this point, the Detail Information field is inaccessible. Click Save.
Staying in Advanced Product Settings, go to the Costing page and use the Maintain PO Line Text field to add additional product information. Click Save.
Create a Purchase Order for the product. When the product is entered in the Product field on the Merchandise page, a message appears, "Use existing purchase order comments?". Click 'Yes'.
Enter the item quantity and add the product to the order. The Special Order Information window appears with the information you entered in Steps 2 and 3. You may now also enter additional information in this window. Click Save.
The information appears on the printed purchase order as well as the Purchase Order Quantity Detail – Read Only window from View a Purchase Order.
Why do some purchase orders go on Hold? How do I remove a Hold status
from a purchase order?
Refer to the On Hold Purchase Order Overview topic for details about on hold purchase orders.
do I delete a purchase order?
To delete a purchase order that has NOT been received:
In Enter a Purchase Order, enter the number of the purchase order you want to delete.
Click the Delete button to delete the PO.
To delete a purchase order that has been received, you must remove/reverse all received quantity from the PO you want to delete:
In Receive a Purchase Order, at the Type of Activity field, click on Reverse a Receiving Error and enter the number of the purchase order you want to delete into the Purchase Order field. The items on the purchase order appear in the grid.
Quantities available to be removed appear in the Available column. If the quantities in the Available column match the quantities in the Ordered column, you can reverse receiving for the entire purchase order. Enter those quantities into the Credit column and click on Save.
If the quantities in the Available column do not match the quantities
in the Ordered column, you cannot "un-receive" the entire
PO and thus cannot delete the PO. The Available column does not include
items that appear on a pick list or manifest, or have been completed. Therefore,
you cannot un-receive such items.
Once you remove all inventory from the PO, follow the instructions above to delete a purchase order that has not been received.
How do I attach an image to a product?
You can attach one or several images to a product using the Update Product Images process. Then, when that product is entered in inquiry, entry, or maintenance processes you can view the attached image. If there are multiple images, the one designated "1" in the sequence is displayed.