These instructions show you how to utilize routines and batch barcode label scanning to verify merchandise on a manifest. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
Steps: Prior to Verification, Create Verification Batch, Scan Merchandise Labels, Send Data to STORIS, Manifest Verification Report, Delete Verification Batch
Create the orders (Enter a Sales Order) and schedule them (Schedule Deliveries or via order entry).
Print delivery tickets (Print all Delivery Tickets, Print a Delivery Ticket, or via order entry).
Create the delivery manifest (Build a Delivery Manifest or via Print a Pick List).
Select Create a Batch Bar Code Manifest Verification from the menu.
The warehouse location indicated must have batch barcode active.
On the Create tab , select the Delivery Date.
Click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen and select Create Batch.
The Batch Create Selection window displays.
Select routes from the list or click the All button to select all routes listed. Click OK.
The batch number displays in the grid.
Click to select the Manage tab.
Action to Perform: Select Assign and then double-click to select the batch from the grid.
The Barcode Download/Upload Status Screen displays.
Assign Batch To: Indicate the user(s) logging in to the scanner.
If a batch for another warehouse has been assigned
to this user, a warning message displays: There
are Transactions waiting for USER at a different Warehouse. OK.
Click OK to return to the Assign
Batch To field .
Click Yes to confirm that the user name is correct.
Click OK when the DONE message displays.
Click the Exit button.
The batch detail displays in the grid.
Click the Exit button on the Manage tab.
Log in to the scanner by selecting STORIS Batch Barcode on the scanner screen.
The Login screen displays.
User ID: Select the STORIS login user from the drop-down list.
Password: Use the keypad to enter the STORIS login password (established in STORIS Create a User settings).
Warehouse ID: Select the receiving location from the drop-down list.
Select Login.
The Main Menu displays on the scanner.
Select Communication from the Main Menu.
Select Get Data from the Communication screen.
A Get Data Completed message displays: Data has been downloaded for the following tasks: Manifest Verification.
Select OK in the message window.
Select Main Menu.
Select Batch Menu.
Select Verify Manifest.
The Verify Manifest screen displays.
Select a Route: Click the arrow and select a route from the drop-down list.
Scan an item for the Route: Scan the label for the item.
If scanning bulk product labels, see the following.
Bulk Products - When you scan a bulk product label, the Enter
Bulk Quantity screen appears and the Barcode Label ID is displayed.
The Quantity defaults to 1. To enter the quantity of that bulk product
to count for that storage location, enter the quantity on the scanner's
virtual keypad and then click OK. The Scan Count shows the number
of labels scanned.
For example, your Scan Count shows 4. You then scan the bulk product
label and enter a bulk quantity of 10 for that product. The Scan Count
still only increments by 1 because you scanned one product label.
So your Scan Count now shows 5.
If you scan the same bulk product label again, three buttons appear
on the keypad: Add, Upd, Cancel.
In our example, you entered a quantity of 10 pieces but now need to
add 2 more pieces. Click the Add button to add to the quantity you
entered previously, making the quantity now 12. Click the Upd button
to update the quantity entered or Cancel to leave the quantity as
is and cancel the additional scan.
Scan Count: This count increments as labels are scanned.
a label is scanned twice, a message displays on the scanner warning Duplicate Label Scan. That label has already
been scanned. Would you like to remove it? Yes
No. If you answer Yes, the label is removed from the Scan Count.
Select the next route from the drop-down.
Scan the product labels for that route.
The Scan Count totals all labels scanned for all selected routes.
Continue selecting routes and scanning inventory labels until all routes and items are counted.
Select Batch Menu.
Select Main Menu.
When ready to send scanned data to STORIS, select Communication from the scanner's Main Menu.
Select Send Data.
A Send Data Completed message displays: Data successfully sent.
Select OK in the message window.
To log off the scanner, select the Main Menu, and then click Log Off.
On the Login screen, select Exit Pgm.
The Bar Code Manifest Verification report should be printed before deleting the batch. The report prints for each route scanned and can be used to verify that all merchandise has been properly allocated for a specific shipping route.
Select Report Bar Code Manifest Verification from the menu.
Select the Warehouse from the drop-down list.
Select the Route / Delivery Date from the drop-down list.
Use the Actions button to change the Output Settings.
Review the report for any variances and correct discrepancies, if necessary.
Select Create a Batch Bar Code Manifest Verification from the menu.
Click to select the Manage tab.
Action to Perform: Select Delete and then double-click to select the batch from the grid.
The warning message asks: Are you sure you want to DELETE 10513? Yes Cancel.
Make sure you have all necessary reports, and then click Yes to delete the batch.
Batch is removed from the grid.
Click Exit.