Advanced Warehouse Management
Use this routine to create and distribute AWM schedules to multiple RF users. Initial entry to this process requires the entry of a new or existing Schedule Name. Once a warehouse location has been indicated, the RF User prompt allows entry of any RF users assigned to the selected warehouse location. If updating an existing schedule, users whose Default Schedule Name matches the Schedule Name entered on this screen are automatically selected at the RF User prompt. Assigned users can also be added or removed at the RF User prompt.
Indicate a new or existing schedule name. Click the Search button to access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can select a schedule template from the list of existing schedule names. If you enter an existing Schedule Name, the RF User prompt populates with all users (if any) whose Default Schedule Name matches the name entered here. This field accepts up to 20 characters and spaces are allowed in the name.
Indicate the warehouse location to be assigned to the default schedule. If you selected an existing Schedule Name, this field displays and is not available for change. When creating a new schedule, you can click the Arrow button to select a location from the list of locations with AWM active. Entry in this field is mandatory. Once the default AWM schedule is saved, this field is no longer available to be changed.
When creating a new schedule, this field is mandatory. Click the calendar icon and select the date for this schedule. The date cannot be earlier than yesterday's date and is only used to create schedules; it is not saved with the default AWM schedule.
Use this field to indicate the user(s) for whom the schedule is being built. Entry is mandatory when creating new schedules. Any RF user assigned to the selected warehouse location can be entered at this field.
Click the Search button to access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window, where you can select one or more RF users. Any users assigned to the default schedule appear with a check mark on this lookup screen, including those whose Default Schedule Name from RF Barcode User Settings match the current default schedule. Users can be assigned or removed using this lookup screen.
If you click the Action button at this field, the Multiple Staff Selection Window displays, showing all users to be assigned to the current default schedule. You can use this screen to select additional users to be assigned or remove assigned users.
Users added or deleted during this session are valid only for the
current session; they are not saved with the default schedule.
Click the Pick Special button to access the AWM Schedule - Delivery Special Picking screen, where you can schedule the picking of special delivery merchandise. This function allows the picking of delivery merchandise that needs special processing before merchandise that does not need special processing, based on the Warehouse/Store Location Settings for prioritizing delivery picking and the delivery line item being processed.
Click the Delivery PICK button to access the Delivery Pick Entry screen. Use this screen to schedule delivery picks for the user(s). Deliveries that are scheduled (for delivery) and also on a Pick List A summary document of items to be picked in a warehouse to fill one or more orders. are available for assignment.
This button is only active when the Warehouse Location RF PICKING – Pick Deliveries to Prep is checked. Click the Delivery PREP button to access the Delivery Prep Entry screen. Use this screen to add delivery preps (prepare pieces for shipping) to the user's schedule.
Click the Delivery LOAD button to access the Delivery Load Entry screen. Use this screen to schedule the final picking function (scan pieces and drop into truck location) for deliveries that are on a manifest.
Click the Transfer PICK button to access the Transfer Pick Entry screen. Use this screen to schedule transfer picks for the user(s). Items scheduled for transfer that are also on a Transfer Pick List are available for assignment using this screen.
This button is only active when the Warehouse Location RF PICKING – Pick Transfers to Prep is checked. Click the Transfer PREP button to access the Transfer Prep Entry screen. Use this screen to add transfer preps (prepare pieces for shipping) to the schedule.
Click the Transfer LOAD button to access the Transfer Load Entry screen. Use this screen to schedule the final picking function (scan pieces and drop into truck location) for transfers that are on a manifest.
Click the Transfer RECEIVE button to access the Transfer Receiving screen. Use this screen to add warehouse transfer receiving to the schedule.
The Customer Pickups button is only available when the Bar Code Control Settings User(s) Picking Customer Pickups setting is set to allow multiple users. When this setting is set to only allow a single user, this button is disabled. Click the OTHER Activity CUSTOMER PICKUPS button to access the Customer Pickups screen. Use this screen to manually add the picking of CPU (customer pickup) orders to the selected schedule.
Click the OTHER Activity RECEIVE PRODUCT button to access the Receive Product screen. The screen displays barcode receiving batches waiting to be received. Use this screen to add PO receiving batches, created in the Assign Purchase Orders to a Bar Code Receiving Batch process, to the schedule. To add the batches, check the Select box for each batch to be added and click OK.
Click the OTHER Activity CYCLE COUNT button to access the Cycle Count screen. Use this screen to add cycle count batches created using the Create Listing of Storage Locations to Count and Assign a User to Physical or Cycle Count Locations processes to the schedule.
Upon initial entry, the grid on this screen is empty. Once items have been added to the schedule (using the function buttons - Delivery PICK, Transfer PREP, etc.), all scheduled RF functions for the selected date and user(s) display in the grid.
These promote/demote buttons are located next to the Warehouse Activity scheduling grid. If there are several rows with the same priority setting, you can use these buttons to move grid rows up and down, thus changing the order in which the functions appear to the RF user.
For each task added to the schedule, the following columns display in the grid.
Function - This column displays the code that represents the function added to the schedule for this user(s). For example, DELPICK = Delivery Picking, XFERPREP = Transfer Prep, ASISDESIGNATION = Designate As-Is List.
Reference - This information displays for each function in the grid and varies according to the RF Function. For example, this column may display a storage location, a route code, or a truck code, depending on the type of function. Click here for a table indicating the reference for each RF Function.
Priority - This column displays the priority code, from 1-9, for the selected task. The default for newly scheduled tasks is 9, which is the lowest priority. You can edit this column. If you change the priority number for a task, the grid is re-sorted in priority order.
the Starting and Ending Location columns to specify a picking range
for the RF user(s).
Starting - Click inside the column to enter or edit the starting location. If a range is specified, the system restricts the RF users to picking within the specified range.
Ending - Click inside the column to enter or edit the ending location. If a range is specified, the system restricts the RF users to picking within the specified range.
Drop-Off - The storage location where the picked items are to be placed prior to loading the truck appears in this column. For picking and prep functions, you can edit the Drop-Off location in the grid. Locations entered here are verified against the Location Verification Settings.
Important Note! If the assigned function is already in progress, it is recommended that you do not change the Drop-Off location while items are in transit. If you must change the drop-off location, be sure that the user assigned to that function drops off all in-transit items to the currently assigned location and exits the schedule before you change the drop-off location.
Days in Advance - The number of days in advance selected on the Delivery/Transfer - Pick, Prep, Load screen is displayed in this column. If Scheduled Day was selected, zero displays in this column, indicating that functions are to be performed for a scheduled date of today.
Date - This column displays the scheduled delivery/transfer date, order date, or batch date, depending on the function.
Remove - To remove a task from the schedule, click the Remove button on the grid line. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.
Use this button to create schedules for RF users based on the data currently in the grid.
When you click this button, the process validates that a schedule date and at least one RF user has been entered.
Once that has been validated, the process creates AWM schedules for all of the RF users selected.
A message displays for each user showing that a schedule was created for that user.
If a user has been assigned Default Schedule Extension Hours, those hours are added to the schedule.
The Delivery and Transfer Pick, Prep, and Load functions in a default schedule are generic and not related to specific items already in picking. When the schedule is created, any picking function that doesn’t have any available pieces to pick is set to a closed status.
If there are items in picking at the time the user’s schedule is created, the scheduled quantity and cubes are updated.
For batch functions, where the batch must exist for it to be added to the default schedule grid, the scheduled quantity and cubes are updated at the time the schedule is created.
If an RF user already has a schedule and one of the functions (and specific reference) already exists, the function in the user’s existing schedule is NOT overwritten.
Once created, the schedule for each user can be accessed via Create an AWM Schedule.
Use this field to indicate the location(s) where received merchandise is currently located. To assign one or multiple receiving storage locations to RF users, indicate the storage location(s) in this field. Click the Action button to access the Multiple Storage Location Selection Window, where you can select multiple storage locations. RF users assigned to perform the PUTAWAY function then take the merchandise from these locations to be "put away" in other locations for storage.
Inventory that passes inspection can be moved out of the destination storage location back to its previous state. Use this field to indicate the storage location or locations where this As-Is designated inventory is currently located. Enter a single storage location in this field or click the Action button to indicate multiple storage locations.
Once this function is assigned to the RF user(s), the AWM function to reinstate As-Is designated inventory can be used to move the pieces from the storage location(s) with an assigned As-Is reason code. Inventory not previously in As-Is status is returned to sellable status. For inventory previously in As-Is status, the prior reason code is reinstated.
This field is active when at least one of the "interim picking" functions in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings is active at the location being scheduled. Use this field to assign interim storage location(s) to RF users. You can enter a single storage location or click the Action button to access the Multiple Storage Location Selection Window, where you can list multiple storage locations. RF users assigned to perform the interim pick function move the merchandise from the interim location(s) to the next picking status (PREP or STAGE) and location.
Enter a storage location to automatically add customer pickups to the selected default schedule. If a location has been indicated here, customer pickup (CPU) orders are immediately assigned to users following their creation, provided the user is logged on to the scanner. The location entered here is used as the default drop-off location for orders assigned in this manner to users.
If the user is not logged on to the scanner, and/or this field is left blank, CPU orders must be assigned using the CUSTOMER PICKUPS button.
To assign a designated As-Is list to the user(s), enter the list ID or click the Action button to select the ID from the read-only lookup window.
To save information in the grid, click the Save button.
The process verifies that there is at least one item in the grid.
The grid is checked to see if it is out of order by priority. This can happen if the Promote/Demote buttons have been used.
If the grid is out of priority order, it is resorted.
Schedule Date data is not saved with the default AWM schedule.
RF User data is not saved with the default AWM schedule.
Grid Data for pre-existing batches is not saved with the default AWM schedule.
It is valid to save a schedule without any functions that are saved to the template. Allowing an empty template to be saved allows for quickly assigning batches to multiple users at once.
Once the data has been saved, the screen clears and you can enter a new or existing default schedule name.