STORIS offers several methods of bar code scanning and processing:
The processes available to you depend on the settings in the General System Control Settings as well as the add-on modules you purchased, if any. Contact your STORIS representative for information regarding the setup and activation of any of the Bar Code processes listed here.
With Batch Bar Code processing, you can
receive purchase orders and transfer merchandise, complete bin to bin transfers, perform physical inventory cycle counts and full physicals, and perform physical counts of pieces on manifests.
scan inventory bar code labels using a wireless or tethered scanning device and then upload/download information to and from STORIS in batches.
With Radio Frequency RF Bar Code processing, you can
receive purchase orders and transfer merchandise; complete bin-to-bin transfers; pick merchandise for transfers, delivery orders, and customer pickups; and perform full physical and physical inventory cycle counts.
scan inventory bar code labels using an RF bar code scanning device, which you also use to send information instantly without having to return to a port or station.
perform real-time updates to the STORIS system.
With Store Bar Code processing, you can
use RF scanners to perform physical inventory counts at non-location tracked locations by scanning point-of-sale or inventory bar codes.
run either the Report Detail Frozen Quantities or Report Summarized Frozen Quantities routine to generate a report that compares your scanning results with frozen inventory counts.
You then make any inventory updates manually based on the results of the physical inventory report. The report includes the freeze, count, and difference quantities for all products scanned.
With Point of Sale POS scanning , you can
add scanned items to a sales order and also receive merchandise.
scan inventory floor tags using a POS scanning device. As you scan products, the system adds them to the sales order without manually entering product codes.
receive merchandise on purchase orders.
With Mobile Vision, you can
use a hand-held computer device (with Windows Mobile software) to scan floor tags anywhere in the store,
generate shopping carts that you can later convert to sales orders in STORIS,
add scanned merchandise to shopping carts,
check product availability and other product information,
create customer records, and
search the web for customers by phone number. When you locate the customer, you can create a customer record using Mobile Vision.
Use Advanced Warehouse Management (AWM ) in conjunction with the RF Bar Code module. With AWM, warehouse managers can
view all open RF bar code functions in a given warehouse for a given day and use this information to establish the workloads for their RF users.
generate and update schedules for RF functions, such as receiving, picking, bin to bin transfers, cycle counts, etc. in real time.
The AWM schedule is the driving force for all activity on the RF device. When your warehouse personnel log in to the RF device, they can view their prepared schedule of tasks, with priorities set for each task.