System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Revolving Receivables Settings > Revolving Receivables Control Settings
Use this routine to specify your revolving receivables system preferences.
Many system control settings have powerful effects on your system and
thus are accessible
by STORIS personnel only. Consult your STORIS representative
before attempting to edit any of these fields.
Access Worksheet within Sales Order EntryUse this
setting to determine whether you can access the full
revolving worksheet or the short
form worksheet from within the entry of sales orders, debit exchanges
and service orders. To access the full worksheet, which includes customer
credit information, check the box at this field. The worksheet appears
when you add a revolving plan to an order as a deposit payment or as a
financed payment. If you leave this box blank, you access a shortened
version of the worksheet, which does not include customer credit information.
Round Payment Up to Next Highest DollarIf you
want the system to round calculated revolving MMP (Minimum Monthly Payment) Monthly payment amount due from customer for their revolving charge account's
(minimum monthly payments) to the next highest dollar amount, check this
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Plan Auditing(LOCKED
Field – STORIS access only!) If the box is checked at this field, revolving
auditing is active. The audit data that is generated when this box is
checked is used only for internal diagnostic purposes. If the box is not
checked, this audit data is not generated.
Allow Payment AgreementsTo process
revolving payments using the Payment
Agreements feature, check the box. Otherwise, leave this box blank.
The default is unchecked.
Charge Back Waived Interest on MMP Balances,
OverdueTo indicate that waived interest
is charged back to plans that become delinquent, check the box. You can
then use the entry box to specify the number of days that must expire
after the plan becomes delinquent, before the waived interest is charged
back to the customer's plan. If you leave the check box blank, waived
interest is not charged back to the customer's plan when it becomes delinquent.
To use the master plan feature, indicate the revolving plan to be used as the master revolving plan for all revolving customers. You can click the Search button to select a plan code from the list.
Once a master plan is specified, the system ensures that a master revolving plan exists for a customer whenever any revolving plan is created. If a master revolving plan does not exist for the customer, the system automatically creates it.
When you use this feature, late and other fees are applied to the master plan from subsidiary plans and charges are consolidated for statement printing.
Following initial entry of a plan code in this field, the field becomes
LOCKED and you cannot change it without assistance from STORIS.
Prime Interest Rate %You can
use this field to specify the Prime Interest Rate U.S. Prime Rate commonly used by lending institutions as an index or foundation rate for short-term loans.
you want the system to use when calculating interest for variable rate
revolving plans. If you leave this optional field blank, calculations
are not based on the prime rate.
Maximum Credit per Transaction $You can use this optional setting to specify the
maximum amount on an order that can be financed with a revolving plan.
If the amount indicated here is exceeded, the order is placed on F1 credit
hold. If you leave this field blank, orders with revolving plans do not
go on F1 credit hold but are subject to other credit
Dispute Retention MonthsUse this
mandatory setting to specify the number of months you want to retain resolved
dispute data, including the associated comments, before the data is purged
during the month-ending
Insurance File FormatClick
the Arrow button and select the file format (if any) to use for the generation
of insurance files. If none are available this field is inactive.
To require insurance on all revolving plans, check this box. Otherwise, leave box blank. If you check this box, the Revolving Worksheet entry and the Enter a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions processes check this setting and enforce the sale of insurance.
If this setting is enabled, all
future revolving plans require insurance. However, if there
is an existing plan that does not have insurance and you edit the
plan via Enter
a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions, insurance must
be added to the revolving plan in order to Save your changes.
Prompt For Insurance If Not Added To Revolving Worksheet
Use this field to remind users that insurance was not added to the revolving plan during Revolving Worksheet entry. If this box is checked, then when users click Save on the Revolving Worksheet screen (accessed via Enter a Sales Order) and insurance was not added to the plan, a message appears reminding the user that insurance was not added and asks if they want to add it now. If the box is not checked, no reminder message to add insurance displays when insurance was not added during worksheet entry.
With this field enabled, a check for insurance is performed each time
the user accesses the revolving worksheet for a plan without insurance
and then clicks Save.
Default Insurance From Other Plans
To default the insurance code
from other plans, check the box at this field. This includes delinquent,
promotional, import and manual transfers. Otherwise, leave the field
If you check the box at this field, when entering a new pending plan
during revolving
worksheet entry, the system checks the customer's other active
plans for the existence of insurance. If another active plan with
insurance is found, the insurance code from that plan is defaulted
to the new pending plan and the user cannot edit the insurance on
the new plan. If other plans for this customer have no insurance,
or no other active plans exist for the customer, the user can add
insurance to the new pending plan. Additionally, the Plan
ID field in Update
Revolving Insurance Plans becomes a required field.
If you leave this box blank, no insurance code defaults from other plans and you can add insurance to the new pending plan. Additionally, the Plan ID field in Update Revolving Insurance Plans must be left blank.
or not a new plan exists affects the default insurance code:
A) If the new plan exists, no change to the insurance code occurs,
regardless of whether or not the current plan has an insurance code.
B) If the new plan does not exist, either:
-no insurance code is added if the current plan has no insurance code,
-insurance code is added if the current plan has an insurance code.
The insurance code can be edited via Enter
a Customer's Revolving Terms & Conditions.
Do Not Default Insurance After xx Days Of Inactivity
Use this optional field to have the system check the customer's date of last activity before defaulting insurance on their pending plan during worksheet entry. You specify the number of days of AR inactivity in this field and the system checks to see if the customer's date of last activity is earlier than the current date minus this number of days. If so, no insurance plan defaults but the operator can add insurance to the pending revolving plan.
If you leave this field blank, no check for the customer's date of last activity takes place.
Prompt User to Add New
Order Balance to PlanIf
you check the box at this field, and an order's balance is increased on
an order that was financed with a revolving plan, users are prompted to
add the additional balance to the customer's revolving plan. This prompt
appears when saving out of a sales
order, exchange,
or service order. If
you leave this box blank, users are not prompted and the order is saved
with a balance due; credit hold checking applies to the balance due.
Sort Reports ByIndicate
whether you want the primary sort for revolving receivables reports to
be by Store or by Customer. The default setting for this field is Store.
Sort Customer ByIndicate
whether you want customer data on revolving receivables reports to be
sorted by the customer's Account Number or by the customer's Name. The
default for this field is Account Number.