Advanced Vendor Settings - Read Only

(Vendor Subsidiary)


Support Files: Vendor, Product Category, Product Group, Discount Codes.

Tabs:  General, Shipping, PO Cutting Date, Auto PO Replen

 This is a read-only screen. You cannot edit any data on this screen. The documentation below describes the entry version of this routine. You can use it for reference purposes.

Use this file to create vendor-specific criteria for

Use this file to store and track cut dates for specific vendors and product collections. Additionally, you can use the fields in this file to determine if and when to create automatic purchase orders for vendors, as well as whether to place automatic purchase orders on Hold.

Vendor Code

General Tab

Buying Group

 If you click on the Action button at any of the following five fields, the option appears to establish settings for these fields at the product category and/or product group level for a specific vendor.  

Auto-Fill Days

Purchase Lead Days

Excess Stock Days

Minimum Stock Days

Factory Default Warranty

Discount Costing






Start Date  

End Date  

Volume Rebates




Start Date, End Date

Shipping Tab

Use this tab to activate add-on costs in your system.  For each add-on cost you activate, use the associated Type field to specify the method by which to calculate the add-on cost, and use the Cost field to enter the amount or percentage of the cost.  To edit an add-on cost on this screen, the cost must be active via the Costing Control Settings.   For each of the add-on costs on this screen, the label (if any) specified in the Costing Control Settings appears to the left of "Landed Cost Active".

Landed Freight Active



ADDON 1 - Landed Cost Active



ADDON 2 - Landed Cost Active



ADDON 3 - Landed Cost Active



ADDON 4 - Landed Cost Active



PO Cutting Date Tab

This screen provides information on the cutting dates for specific collections. A cut date is the date on which the collection is no longer available from the vendor. Cutting dates appear on the Product Performance and Purchase Recommendations report.

Collection Exceptions

Collection Code


PO Cutting Date

Auto PO Replen Tab

Use this tab to specify your preferences for the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment feature.

These settings to NOT apply to the Replenish Inventory for Current Back Order Needs routine. They are used only for the automatic PO replenishment feature, which is run during EOD or on demand via Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate.

Generate Automatic POs

 Automatically Hold POs

Weekly Sales Rate Calculation

Include All Backorders

First Average Units Period

Second Average Units Period

Variance Starting Date

Variance Ending Date   

Variance Percentage

Sort Criteria

Build POs