Update Receivables Credit Approvals
(Release Orders From Credit Hold; Approve Orders on Credit Hold; A/R Credit Hold Approvals)
Use this program to approve orders that have been placed on AR credit hold. Depending on the Initial Check and Final Check fields in the Point of Sale Control Settings (Sales Order ACF), the system may place orders on AR credit hold. Note that credit approval and rejection information for specific orders appears in sales order comment tracking screens.
To remove from credit hold an order for which multiple credit holds exist, you must approve all hold codes. To approve F3 (unapproved financing) credit holds, use the Update Financing Credit Approvals (3rd Party Finance Approvals) program.
To approve C5 (Preauthorized Deposit) credit holds cannot be approved here. Instead, access the order directly using Enter a Sales Order then go to the Payment tab, open the Payment Summary Window and select Pre-Authorized Deposit from the extra Actions button.
Customer CodeEnter the number of the customer whose credit hold status you want to approve or reject. If you click on the search button, you access the Search for a Customer (Customer Code Lookup), from which you can search for a customer.
The customers you can access at this and other Customer fields may be restricted by Regional Processing.
Order Number * Hold Code
Hold Code DescriptionOnce you specify an Order Number x Hold Code, the description for the hold code displays here.
Customer Credit CommentsCredit comments for this customer may be viewed/entered/modified here. The customer record will be updated with comments entered/modified in this field.
Approve/Reject/SkipSelect Skip to skip entry of this field for the selected order/hold code. Select Reject to reject the selected order/hold code. Select Approve to approve the selected order/hold code.
Approval CommentsComments relating to the approval/rejection of the selected order/hold status may be entered here.
Last Invoice DateThe date of the last completed order for this customer will display here.
Current, 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, Over 90The customer's accounts receivable balance, broken down by aging categories, will display.
Last Payment DateThe date of the last payment applied to this account will display.
Last Payment AmountThe amount of the last payment applied to this account will display.
Credit LimitThe customer's current credit limit displays from the customer record. If no credit limit has been established for the customer, this field is blank.
If approving a C1 = Over credit limit status, you must increase the customer's credit limit here in order to process the approval.
Important! If Advanced Receivables is not active on your system (General System Control Settings), the credit limit field on this screen is active. If Advanced Receivables is active on your system, you cannot edit the credit limit field via this screen. You can use Customer Credit and Scoring Information to edit the customer's credit limit, provided you have permission via your User/User Group settings.
AvailableThe customer's current available credit will be displayed. The available credit is based on the following equation: Credit Limit - Open A/R - Open Order Balance Due (this does not include orders on 3rd Party Financing).
Merchandise SubtotalThe total dollar amount for the merchandise on the order, before tax and delivery/install charges are applied, will be displayed.
Sales TaxThe sales tax amount of the selected order will be displayed.
Delivery/Install ChargeAll delivery and/or installation charges for this order will be displayed.
Order SubtotalThis field displays the total of merchandise on the order, including discounts applied and additional charges (sales tax, delivery, installation charges). This total does not include deposits/financing amounts.
DepositThe total amount of deposits entered for this order will display.
Total Amount FinancedThe total amount financed (using third party financing) on this order will display.
Balance DueThe total balance due from the customer for this order will be displayed.