Generation of Payment File & Payment Agreement Report
Use this routine to generate the Payment Report that you send to Payment Sources informing them of the amounts to be remitted for payment agreement customers. Additionally this routine can be used to create the payment file that you post (Import Customer Payments) after you receive the payments from the source company.
Currently, there are two extraction programs available in the Payment Agreement Source Settings. If you are set up to use the extraction program that does not import the payments to a specific plan, this process is not available.
SourceIndicate the source company for the payment agreement. You can click the Search button to access the Read-Only Lookup Window, where you can select a source from the list. Once you enter the source, the source name displays and the remaining fields on the screen become active.
Begin DateEntry of the beginning date is mandatory. Depending on previous processing for the specified source, this date may default to the last process date plus 1, but can be changed. You can click the calendar icon to select a date from the drop-down calendar. When you run this routine, unpaid payment agreement MMP's that have a due date greater than or equal to this date are selected.
End DateEntry of the ending date is mandatory and must be greater than or equal to the Begin Date. You can click the calendar icon to select a date from the drop-down calendar. When you run this routine, unpaid payment agreement MMP's that have a due date less than or equal to this date are selected.
Payments per MonthThis display only field shows the number of payments to be submitted each month, as established in the Payment Agreement Source Settings.
Import Action
Send Output toThe output destination of the report displays. To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and select Output Settings.
Export PathYou cannot edit the export path using this process.

Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.