Use this batch process to convert one or more pending AP bills for one or more selected vendors. A status bar appears during the update and a final message appears displaying the number of AP bills (if any) converted. For pending AP bills for which merchandise has been received (either fully or partially), this routine generates an exception report displaying the reason they were not converted (see below).
You can also run this process as part of the
End-of-Day process.
To view converted AP bills, use the Report
Payables Activity routine (check the box at the Activity Since Last
End of Day field).
Number of Days Prior to Due Date with No Receipt
Actions button is active only if you select Report Exceptions Only or
Convert and Report Exceptions at the Action field above.
After you select your vendors, click on Run
to convert pending AP bills for the selected vendors.
For pending AP bills for which merchandise has been received (either fully or partially), this routine generates an exception report displaying the reason they were not converted. The report displays the
AP bill number,
invoice number, and
the reason the bill could not be converted.
The report includes pending AP bills with
at least one line with a quantity available for AP approval,
exceptions due to the Number of Days Prior to Due Date with No Receipt field below.
A separate line prints for each reason a bill cannot be converted.
The following lists the codes included in the exception report. Note that the quantity available for approval is the
(quantity received on a purchase order line) - (quantity already entered on ‘not pending’ AP bills for that purchase order line).
QTY NM (Quantity not matched) - Quantity invoiced greater than the quantity available for approval.
COST EXC (Cost exception) - Product has a zero cost exception.
COST NF (Receiving cost not found) – Quantity available for approval but receiving cost not found.
VENDOR NM (Vendor not matched) – The vendor on the AP bill does not match the vendor on the purchase order.
COST NM (Cost not matched) - The difference between the total receipt cost and the merchandise subtotal on the pending bill exceeds the pending bill conversion allowable cost variance percent in the Payables Control Settings. The merchandise subtotal is defined as the following:
(pending bill’s Total Invoice Amount) - (Freight, Sales Tax, and Miscellaneous amounts)
Note that the cost on the pending bill line always matches the cost on the PO line.
DUE DATE (Close to Due Date with no receipt) – The AP bill is due within the specified number of days but has no receipts.