Stock Reservation Settings - Prioritize & Reserve

Use the Reservation Priority and Reservation Date fields, available on the Inventory Control Settings, Advanced Product Settings, and District and Regional Product Settings screens, to specify how goods are to be reserved to line items. The fields work together to offer methods by which you can have the system reserve inventory.

On the General tab of Inventory Control Settings, your global options are:

On the Settings tab of Advanced Product Settings, your product level options are:

On the Regional Settings tab of District and Regional Product Settings, your regional product options are:

Rules for using these fields:

When selecting to prioritize by order date and reserve immediately, ATP can be active.

Reservation must be prioritized by order date and reserved immediately when ATP is active and Reserve ASAP Sales or Reserve CWC Sales is active.

You cannot select the combination of Delivery Date prioritization and a reservation date of Immediate.

Reservation cannot be prioritized by Order Date and reserved by Delivery Date within Auto Fill Days unless all ATP Calculation Settings are inactive in your Point of Sale Control Settings. 

If reservation is set to Order Date (Reserve Immediately), the auto-fill days are ignored when:

In logistical scheduling, reservations are maintained when reserving by Delivery Date (Reserve Within Fill Days) or Order Date (Reserve Within Fill Days).  Reservations are unaffected by changes to the delivery schedule when reserving by Order Date (Reserve Immediately).