Shared Route Capacity Settings


Use this routine to define the capacities for a shared route capacity pool and the route codes that share in that pool. Each individual route still has its own capacities, which might actually exceed the maximum capacity for the shared pool on a given day. However, once the maximum capacity for that route or for its shared pool in any one of the four categories (stops, units, dollars, volume) is met, that route is closed for the date in question.

The month and year prompts default to the current month and year but can be changed. Once you enter a valid month, year, route type, and shared pool, the calendar for the selected month appears, displaying the available dates.  Days may be unavailable either because

If you access the Read-Only version of this screen, you can select the Month, Year, Route Type and Shared Pool to view. The Day, Stops, Dollar, Units, and Volume are inactive.    

To consolidate orders with the similar delivery information into a single delivery stop, use the Consolidate Stops field in the Route Capacity Control Settings.  



Route Type

Shared Pool




