Open To Buy Department Settings

(OTB Department)


Support Files: Category, Group, Region, Buying Group.

Tabs:  Category, Group, Region, Buyer, Planning Table

Use this routine to plan and setup the Report Open To Buy Information routine.  You set up one or more buying budgets, then run the report periodically, for example to display any items in the budget still "open to buy".  Purchasing agents can use the Open To Buy Report to compare actual and planned sales statistics for sales dollars, cost dollars, and inventory dollars.

You can create departments consisting of either categories and groups or regions and buyers (that is, depending on the setting at the Open to Buy Department Control field in the Purchasing Control Settings).  You can assign each category/group or region/buyer to a single department only.

 You cannot combine the same region and buying group in more than one department.

Records must contain at least one valid category/group or region/buying group.

Regional Processing
rules do not apply when entering or editing records in this routine, but they do apply in the Report Open To Buy Information routine.

Department Code  


Use this tab to set up buying departments by product category.  This tab is active only if the Open to Buy field in the Purchasing Control Settings is set to Product/Category Group.

Department Description  



Use this tab to set up buying departments by product group.  This tab is active only if the Open to Buy field in the Purchasing Control Settings is set to Product/Category Group.



This tab is active only if the Open to Buy field in the Purchasing Control Settings is set to Region/Buying Group.

Department Description  



This tab is active only if the Open to Buy field in the Purchasing Control Settings is set to Region/Buying Group.

Buying Group

Planning Table

Use this tab to specify planned sales and/or planned EOM (End of Month) inventory costs for a selected category/group or region/buying group for a selected month.  You can specify any month from the previous year or the following year.

Gross Margin %

Freight Factor %

Stock %


Planned Sales

Planned Inventory EOM

Last Year Planned Sales