Image Wizard Settings


The Update Product Images (Image Wizard) routine is used to attach image files to product records in STORIS. Images can be accessed at most Product fields and also on eSTORIS. Use this routine to view or specify the

When searching for product images, the system checks the following places for the selected image, in the following order, and selects the first one it finds:

Generally speaking, the system takes longer to retrieve images from the STORIS database than from the Replicated Directory Path. Fastest is a folder on your local PC.

Many of the settings here can also be edited in the Update Product Images (Image Wizard) routine.

Replicated Directory Path

Resize Maximum Value in Pixels - Height and Width

These three "re-size" fields are mandatory. When you import an image using the Auto-Format option, STORIS attempts to create three ".jpg" versions of the image (large, standard, and thumbnail). STORIS' recommended maximum image dimensions appear in the fields when you first access this routine. The Image Wizard import utility references these settings during the import image process if auto-sizing is activated. Remember that larger images occupy more disc space.

You can use these fields to establish a maximum height and width you want the system to apply during auto-formatting for each of the three image sizes; however, STORIS provides a default height of zero (0) pixels for the large and standard sizes. In this way, the zero acts as a kind of wild-card by not restricting the height of the image during auto-formatting unless the image exceeds the specified maximum width. In such cases, Auto-Format reduces the height proportionally to the width to maintain the aspect ratio.




Image Item Name

Use Kit Image If No Item Image