Image Wizard Format Options

The Auto Format option in the Update Product Images is a quick and easy way to import your images while applying a maximum image dimension to ensure uniformity of size. However, if you prefer to format and size images yourself, for example with a program like Photoshop®, do so before you import the images into STORIS, and select the Manual Format option in the Image Wizard.

Auto Format

If the Auto Format option is on, you can drop an image onto a product row in the left pane but, if you expand the image detail size block (that is, click on the plus sign (+) at the left of the product row), you cannot drop the image onto a specific product size. With the Auto Format Image option on, you can import only one image for a product.

With the File Explorer tab active, you can drag an image on top of a product in the left pane. When you release the mouse button, the system attaches the image to the product record in the STORIS database. When you drop an image on top of a product with Auto-Format active, the following occurs:

Manual Format

If the Manual Format Image selection is on, you can drag an image onto the large, standard or thumbnail rows but you cannot drop the image onto the top-level product (this is opposite from the Auto Format Image option described above). If you are using the image in STORIS (as opposed to, for example, eSTORIS), drop the image onto the large row. If the Manual Format Image selection is on, the following occurs:

a. Maximum Large Image Size - 200KB

b. Maximum Standard Image Size - 100KB

c. Maximum Thumbnail Image Size - 50KB

 After you import your images into STORIS, we recommend you replicate (that is, copy) the images in the STORIS database (also called the STORIS Image Repository) to one or more centrally located directories, and STORIS provides a "service" program for this purpose.  

Auto Image Re-sizing

When you import an image into the STORIS database and the Auto Format Image option is on, the system automatically re-sizes the image while maintaining the aspect ratio. The source image can be any image file type and any image size. The system converts the file format of the source image into jpg.  

Auto Format re-sizes each imported image three times, creating a large, a standard, and a thumbnail version of the source image. When re-sizing, the system references the maximum dimensions for each image size (specified in the Image Wizard Settings).

For example, if the source image is 600 x 600 pixels and the large image maximum dimensions are 300 high by 200 wide, the system re-sizes the image to 200 x 200. The system shrinks the image so that both the height and width are at or under the maximum size, all the while maintaining the aspect ratio so the ratio between the height and width is not altered.

 If the source image already is smaller than or equal to the maximum image size, the system does not re-size the file but it does change the extension to jpg.