Configurator Sub-Option Rules
Use this routine to assign sub-option rules that
were established via the Set
Configuration Sub-Option Rules routine.
Option TypeThe currently selected main
option type from the Option Type Configuration
screen displays.
Sub-Option TypeThe currently
selected sub-option type from the Option
Type Configuration screen displays.
Sub-Option Rules
the sub-option rule ID (established via
Set Configuration
Sub-Option Rules). The rule you enter here must exist for this option
type and is a mandatory field. If you click the Search button, you access
a list of sub-option rules from which you can select. This field accepts
up to twenty (20) characters.
PriceUse this
field with the arithmetic operands to add, subtract, or multiply this
value to the parent option’s add-on price. If you select an arithmetic
operand, you must enter a value in either the Price or Cost field.
CostUse this
field with the arithmetic operands to add, subtract, or multiply this
value to the parent option’s add-on cost. If you select an arithmetic
operand, the Price or Cost field must be entered.
a sub-option or a list must be specified if you choose an operand of ‘=’
or ‘#’. If you are specifying a list, leave this field blank. Otherwise,
indicate the code of the option; you can click
the Search button to select from a list of valid options.
a list or a sub-option must be specified if you choose an operand of ‘=’
or ‘#’. If you are specifying a sub-option, leave this field blank. Otherwise,
indicate the code of the list; you can click
the Search button to select a valid list code.
When you finish entering information for each sub-option rule, click the
Add button to update the grid.