Report Floor Sample Needs
(Unsampled Stock Report)
Use this report when stocking showroom floors.
This report lists any merchandise that is
(depending on
the selection criteria) not stocked at a specified store location
by an as-is
piece with a reason code of Floor
This report also provides the
warehouse location where the
merchandise is stored,
quantity on hand,
quantity on sales order, and
on Purchase Order.
Running the Report for a Single Location
If you specify the same location at both the Stocked At and Displayed
At fields, the Unsampled
Stock Storage Location Selection screen appears. For example, you
can compare the "warehouse quantities" of a location with its
"storefront quantities". To specify the same location at both
the Stocked At and Displayed At fields, you must remove the check at either
or both of the Warehouses Only or Stores Only fields.
Use the Unsampled Stock Storage Location Selection screen to specify
one or more individual storage locations you want to compare with another
location. To specify individual storage locations, the location must be
with storage locations already set up.
If you specify multiple locations at one of the location fields (that
is, the Stocked At or Displayed At fields), you cannot run the report
for storage locations for the field with multiple locations specified.
Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run
to produce the report.
General Selection
CollectionThis field
is used to indicate the product collection or collections to be included
in this report. One, multiple, or All collections may be selected. To
report on a single product collection, select a specific collection number
at this field. To report on All Collections,
leave this field blank. To report on multiple collections, use the Multiple Collection Selection screen
(available from Actions) to select
the collections for this report.
VendorThis field
is used to indicate the vendor or vendors to be included in this report.
One, multiple, or All vendors may be selected. To report on a single vendor,
select a specific vendor number at this field. To report on All
Vendors, leave this field blank. To report on multiple vendors,
use the Multiple Vendor Selection
screen (available from Actions)
to select the vendors for this report.
Stocked At
Programmed AtEnter
the code of the "programmed at" location for which to run this
report. If you click on the Arrow, a list of available programmed-at locations
appears, from which you can choose. If you click on the Action button,
the Multiple Location Lookup window appears from which you can select
one or more locations.
Advanced Selection
Include Special OrderSelect
this option to include special order products on this report.
Floor Samples OnlySelect
this option to include pieces that were moved to As Is inventory and have
been assigned the floor sample reason code as set in the Floor
Sample field of the Inventory
Control Settings (Inventory Module ACF).
Programmed Stock OnlySelect
this option to limit the selection to inventory flagged as programmed
stock (part of the store lineup and/or was included on a distributed transfer).
The Showroom Merchandise field in the Warehouse
Inventory Settings record is checked at the Source Warehouse location
to determine whether or not a product is to be reported.
Sort Report By
First LevelSelect
Vendor (V),
Collection (L),
Category (C),
or Group (G)
to indicate the item by which the report data is to be sorted in the Primary
(first) sort.
Second LevelSelect
Vendor (V),
Collection (L),
Category (C),
or Group (G)
to indicate the item by which the report data is to be sorted in the Secondary
(second) sort. If no secondary sort is desired, choose None
Third LevelSelect
Vendor (V),
Collection (L),
Category (C),
or Group (G)
to indicate the item by which the report data is to be sorted in the Tertiary
(third) sort. If no tertiary sort is desired, choose None
Warehouses Only If you check this field,
then the lookups at the Stocked At field display only warehouse locations.
However, if you remove the check, the lookups expand to display all available
Stores Only
The output destination of the report displays.
To change the output destination, click on the Actions button and
select Output
Settings.Send Output toThe output
destination of the report displays. To change the output destination,
click on the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.