Report Solved Costing Exceptions
(Solved Cost Exceptions Report)
Use this report to display solved cost exceptions.
This report can be used as a tool to review the type of exceptions that
have been corrected. Displayed are the date solved, the user who solved
the exception, the status and comment. Once the run-time options have
been selected, choose Run to produce
the report.
The run-time options for this report are:
ProductEnter the codes of the products
you want to include in this report. If you click on the Search button,
you access the Search
for a Product window from where you can create a list of products
for your report. If you leave the field blank, you select all products.
Exception TypeSelect
the type of exception to report on or
select All for all exception types.
Exception Types include: Zero Warehouse Receipt, Zero Inventory Adjustment,
Customer Return, Vendor Invoice Approval, and Vendor Credit Approval.
Logical Date CodeSelect
either CUS (Custom Dates) to enter
specific From and To dates or select another predetermined Date Code,
which will cause the From and To dates to fill in automatically. Examples
of Date Codes are: TDAY (Today), YDAY (Yesterday), CYTD (Current year
to date), CPTD (Current period to date).
From Logical DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) was selected
in the Date Code field, enter the starting date for this report. To use
the earliest date, leave this field blank. If a Date Code other than CUS
was entered, this field will automatically fill in and will not be available
for change.
To Logical DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) was selected
in the Date Code field, enter the ending date for this report. To use
the latest date, leave this field blank. If a Date Code other than CUS
was entered, this field will automatically fill in and will not be available
for change.
Solved Date CodeSelect
either CUS (Custom Dates) to enter
specific From and To dates or select another predetermined Date
Code, which will cause the From and To dates to fill in automatically.
Examples of Date Codes are: TDAY (Today), YDAY (Yesterday), CYTD (Current
year to date), CPTD (Current period to date).
From Solved DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) was selected
in the Date Code field, enter the starting date for this report. To use
the earliest date, leave this field blank. If a Date Code other than CUS
was entered, this field will automatically fill in and will not be available
for change.
To Solved DateIf CUS (Custom Dates) was selected
in the Date Code field, enter the ending date for this report. To use
the latest date, leave this field blank. If a Date Code other than CUS
was entered, this field will automatically fill in and will not be available
for change.
Inventory TypeSelect
the type of inventory (All Inventory,
Retail Inventory, or Parts
Inventory) to be reported on. The default for this field is All Inventory.
Solution SourceSelect
the source of the solution where the exception was solved. Select All Sources to report on all solved
exceptions, regardless of the source of the solution. Select System
to report ONLY exceptions that were solved by the system. Select User to report ONLY exceptions that
were solved by users. Select Automatic
to report ONLY exceptions that were solved automatically.
Buyer IDEnter
the code of the buyer to which you want to restrict the report output.
If you leave the field blank, the report displays all buyer groups. If
you click on the Search button,
you can select a buyer from the list that appears.
If the Buying
Group feature is active on your system (via the Activate Buying Group
field in the Purchasing
Control Settings), the system restricts the search to users who have
been set up as buyers in the User file.
Send Output toThe output
destination of the report displays. To change the output destination,
click on the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.