Report Purchase Orders by Product
(Open PO By Line Item)
This report lists open purchase orders, by
category or vendor, for selected scheduled dates. Selection includes
Buyer, and
You can run this report by region or location
based on PO status and scheduled date. You can also select purchase
orders based on the number of days past due. Once the run-time options
have been selected, choose Run
to produce the report.
The Region and Location fields may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Number of Days Past DueIf you enter a number here,
the report includes all purchase orders whose past-due date occurred within
the period of days you specify here. If you leave this field blank,
the report includes only purchase orders whose due date has not yet been
Earliest Scheduled DateUse this
field with the Latest Scheduled Date field to restrict the report to purchase
orders whose scheduled date falls within a specified range. In this
field, enter the earliest date in the range. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, a list of dates appears from which you can choose.
Latest Scheduled DateUse this
field with the Earliest Scheduled Date field to restrict the report to
purchase orders whose scheduled date falls within a specified range. In
this field, enter the latest date in the range. If you click on the Calendar Icon, a list
of dates appears from which you can choose.
Status of PO's to Report
Include Special Order CommentsTo include
special order comments in the report output, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Report Open Quantity OnlySTORIS
allows partially received purchase orders. To restrict the report to purchase
orders with open quantities, check the box. Otherwise, leave the
box blank. Note that if you check the box at this field, the report
displays the total values for each purchase order selected, including
received and open quantities.
Direct-Ship PO's
Inventory or Supplies
ProductUse this field to select
the products you want to include in the report. If you leave this field
blank, you select all products. If you click on the Search button, the
Search for
a Product window opens where you can select one or more products.
If you click on the Action button, the Multiple
Product Selection Window appears from which you can select one or
more products.
CategoryUse this
field to select the categories you want to include in the report. If you
leave this field blank, you select all categories. If you click on the
Search button, the Multiple
Selection Lookup Window appears via which you can select one or more
categories. If you click on the Action button, the Multiple
Category Selection Window from which you can select one or more categories.
BuyerUse this
field to select the buyers you want to include in the report. If you leave
this field blank, you select all buyers. If you click on the Search button,
the Read-Only
Lookup Window appears displaying a list of users via which you can
select a buyer.
VendorUse this
field to select the vendors you want to include in the report. If you
leave this field blank, you select all vendors. If you click on the Search
button, the Read-Only
Lookup Window appears via which you can select a vendor.
Report EDI Vendors OnlyTo restrict
the report output to EDI
vendors only, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field
RegionUse this field to select the regions you want
to include in the report. If you click on the Arrow button, the Read-Only
Lookup Window appears via which you can select a region. If
you click on the Action button, the Multiple
Region Selection Window appears from which you can select one or more
regions. Note that if you select one or more regions at this field,
you inactivate the Location field below.
LocationUse this
field to select the locations you want to include in the report. If you
click on the Arrow button, the Read-Only
Lookup Window appears via which you can select a location. If
you click on the Action button, the Multiple
Region Selection Window appears from which you can select one or more
locations. Note that if you select one or more locations at this
field, you inactivate the Region field above.
Send Output toThe output
destination of the report displays. To change the output destination,
click on the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.