Report Active Costing Exceptions
(Active Cost Exceptions Report)
This report displays all current cost exceptions. Use this report to manually
resolve cost exceptions. The report displays the following:
The printed report displays the subtotals and grand total of the exception
value. The exceptions printed on the report are saved to a list you can
access in the Correct
a Cost Exception (Cost Exception Adjustments) program. The automatically
assigned list number prints to the left of the report title in the header
portion of the report output. Once the report criteria have been selected,
click Run to produce the report.
The run-time options
for this report are:
Date CodeClick
on the Arrow button to view a list of date
codes, then select the code that best indicates the time period on
which to base your report.
Start DateIf you
select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use
this field to specify the start date of the custom date range for which
you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date
code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and
you cannot edit this field.
End DateIf you
select CUS at the Date Code field, you activate this field. Use
this field to specify the end date of the custom date range for which
you want to run this report. If you click on the Calendar
Icon, you can select a date from the calendar that appears.
If you select another date
code instead of CUS, this field fills in based on that selection and
you cannot edit this field.
ProductEnter code of a single product
to report on or leave the field blank to report on all products.
Exception Type
Inventory TypeSelect
the type of inventory (All, Retail, or Parts) to be reported on. The default
for this field is All Inventory.
Send Output
toThe output destination of
the report displays. To change the output destination, click on
the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer ( PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.