Use this routine to view or update comments on specific purchase orders for a vendor.
If you are accessing the View
Purchase Order Comments routine, you cannot edit comments. To edit
comments, you must use the Update Purchase Order Comments routine.
On-line comment tracking is an audit system that automatically tracks the entry and deletion of purchase orders. After initial entry, comments can be added manually to each purchase order. Optionally, modifications to selected fields can be tracked. Comments are displayed in date and time sequence.
Each comment generated consists of:
The date and time generated,
The operator's initials,
Automatic, system-generated comments, for example, Purchase Order Entered, PO Deleted, PO created via Replenish Inventory for Current Back Order Needs, PO created via Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate, etc.,
Optional field change comments: field name, field contents before change, and field contents after change. The tracking of these types of comments is controlled by settings in the Track Processing Activity routine.
Manually entered comments.