This screen usually appears via an Actions button, for example on the General tab of Enter a Purchase Order. When editing a previously created purchase order that has been partially received, you can use this option to close the purchase order.
When you close a purchase order using this option, the system adjusts the quantity ordered to match the quantity received. It reduces all partially-received line items to the amount already received, and deletes all lines with zero receipts.
The system restricts you from closing purchase orders in certain situations. For example, you cannot close a purchase order in Bar Code Receiving. If the system restricts you from closing a PO, an error message appears explaining why the process was halted.
If accounting
is active on your system, payment
approvals close the purchase order. If accounting is not active, you
must use this option to close fully received purchase orders.
Once a purchase order has been "closed" using this option, you
must run the Generate
Daily Reports (End of Day) process in order for the purchase order
to show a CLOSED status. The Generate Daily Reports processing updates
the purchase order with the closed date.