Distribute Add-on Receiving Costs


Use this routine to enter information from invoices received from vendors and create a database of the actual landed add-on costs on each invoice.  You can then use the data for analysis reporting, for example to compare the actual costs with the estimated costs the system generates based on your system settings. Based on the comparison, you can decide whether to update your settings for estimating add-on costs.

  1. Enter information specific to the invoice for landed add-on costs such as the vendor, add-on cost type, invoice amount, and invoice number.  

  2. Enter selection information to populate a grid of receipts to which to distribute the invoice’s add-on costs.  

  3. Distribute the invoice’s total amount to individual receipts.  

When all the invoice information is complete and the total amount distributed (that is, the proof amount is zero), you can save the data for reporting purposes.  If any grid rows are selected but have no distributed cost, a warning message appears but you can continue.  


Invoice Number

Cost Add-On


Distribution Method

Total Distribution $

Exchange Rate

Once the information for a particular vendor, invoice number, and cost-add on has been entered and saved, the exchange rate is retained for the next time that same vendor, invoice number, and cost-add on combination is entered.


Once you specify a vendor, invoice number, and cost add-on, the process checks to see if the invoice was previously distributed.  If found, the invoice loads.

The prompts in the Receipt Details section and the Select button inactivate.  You can change the date, distribution method, distribution amount, exchange rate and comment.  The grid populates with the receipts whose add-on costs were previously distributed for the vendor, invoice number, and cost add-on.  If you change the distribution method, the Distributed $ column in the grid clears.  A prompt appears before this occurs, indicating the column will be cleared.  If you change the total distribution amount or the exchange rate, the Amount to Distribute display field updates with the new proof amount (that is, the difference between the total distribution amount and the amount that has already been distributed in the grid rows).  

If the invoice distribution does not exist, the remaining prompts activate and the Invoice Vendor, Invoice Number, and Cost Add-on fields inactivate.

 For credit Warehouse receipts, the program adjusts receipt quantities accordingly.  

Receipt Details

Use the following prompts to specify which of the vendor’s receipts to select for distribution of the invoice cost.  

PO Number

Reference Number


Start Date

End Date

Receiving Location

Model Number


Amount To Distribute

Rows Selected Quantity