InTouch CRM Security

The InTouch Customer Relations Management (CRM) feature has its own set of security restrictions designed to protect sales leads from unauthorized users. These restrictions are distinct from the security restrictions you can apply using the Regional Processing feature, although the two features can overlap.  The security system recognizes the following five levels of personnel access. You assign security levels in the User file.

  1. Corporate users can update any sales lead.  

  2. District Managers can update any sales lead within their district.  

  3. Store Managers can update any sales lead within their store. If a salesperson has leads in more than one store, store managers can update a salesperson’s leads only in their own store.  

  4. Salespersons can update only their own sales leads.  

  5. None - users who have not been defined as one of the above cannot update any leads.

There are also different rules for each security level in some specific programs. These levels are accessed within

Lead Entry

Any user can create a new contact and its associated lead. However, to edit sales leads, users must have sufficient security clearance.  Store managers can change only leads that are assigned to their store. District managers can change only leads that are assigned to their district.  Salespersons can change only their own sales leads. Users without security clearance can still access sales leads (that is, call them up on the user’s screen), however the system restricts them to editing comments only. If the user who updates a lead is not the owner, the system sends a message to the owner notifying them that somebody else has updated their lead.

Callback Screen

The system restricts users with security level 5 from accessing the Callback screen.

For users with security level 4 who are accessing an active lead, the Salesperson field has only 2 valid entries:

  1. the user’s salesperson number

  2. the ‘unassigned’ salesperson number

For store managers and salespeople, the Location field defaults to their log-in store and cannot be changed. For 'active' callbacks, salespersons can change the location.

The District Manager field is available only to levels 1 and 2. If the user is level 2, that field defaults a response and becomes inactive.