Use this window to process pre-authorized deposits. You can obtain a new pre-authorization or release an existing pre-authorized deposit.
This screen can be accessed when the following criteria are met:
The Payment Summary Window is accessed through Enter a Sales Order.
If a pre-authorized deposit exists for the order via the web, this option is available if the pre-authorization was approved; if declined, this option is not available and the pre-authorized deposit must be managed via Process Web Payments.
If no pre-authorized deposit or web pending deposit exists for the order, this option is active if 1) the Allow Pre-Authorized Deposits setting in Payment Card and Device Settings is enabled, 2) the user is logged into a Shift4 processing location, and 3) the current order balance is greater than 0.
This screen appears in inquiry mode
-an existing pre-authorized deposit was obtained via the web where the
credit card processing setup (Legacy Credit Card, EMV Shift4, EMV Tender
Retail, or none) of the user's current login location does not match the
credit card processing setup of the location the pre-authorization was
-an existing pre-authorized deposit was obtained in-store (only possible
if using Shift4) and the user's current login location is not a Shift4
processing location.
Card #, Auth #, Type, Original Pre-Auth Amount
Once a pre-authorization is released, the original pre-authorization request is converted into a sale transaction. If applicable, a second sale transaction is created to cover the difference between the Modified Pre-Auth Amount and the original pre-authorized amount. A card swipe or manual card entry is not required; the customer does not need to be present.
A pre-authorization can be deleted (voided) by clicking the Delete button in the command bar. A void message is sent to Shift4 and the pre-authorized deposit is removed from STORIS.
For a Legacy pre-authorized deposit, the Release
Pre-Authorization Deposit button is active only when the pre-authorized
deposit is obtained via the web and the user is logged into a Legacy credit
card processing location. All other fields are inactive.