View a Customer's Revolving Disputes
Use this routine to view revolving dispute details
for a customer. Once you specify the customer, any orders/transactions
in dispute for the customer display in a grid.
the code of the customer whose plan/transaction is in dispute. You can
click the Search button to access the Search
for a Customer routine. Once you have specified the customer code,
the customer's name displays.
Home, Work, CellThe customer's
home, work, and cell telephone numbers display from customer

Account Balance $This is the customer's revolving
Previous MMP Due $This is
the last cycled MMP amount.
Total in Dispute $This is
the total amount currently in dispute.
Past Due $This is
the short term revolving balance that remained unpaid as of the cycle
Current Due $The revolving
amount currently due from this customer is displayed.
Due $This is the total payment amount due for all