Enter/View Comments for a Customer's Disputed Revolving Plan
(Enter/View Dispute Comments)
Use this routine to enter, view, and maintain revolving dispute comments. If you access this screen from Update Disputes, you can update comments. Otherwise, you access a read-only version of the screen that you can use only to view revolving dispute comments.
CustomerThe customer's name and address display.
PlanThe code of the revolving plan displays from the previous screen.
Update CommentsTo add new comments to the existing record, check the box to activate the Comments Entry text box. This field is not active if accessing via a "View" version of this routine.
Send Output toThis field indicates the output destination of this report. To select a different output option, use the Output Settings option from the Actions menu.
Export PathThis field indicates the computer path (drive, folder, file name) to which the report output will be sent. To select a different path, use the Output Settings option from the menu.