General Ledger Control Settings

(GL Control Settings)


Tabs:  General, Advanced

Use this routine to set up and maintain the GL account defaults the system uses when creating GL batches for posting. When you enter information, the system searches each level of the hierarchy structure for an account number. If the system finds no account number in the previous hierarchy levels (for example, the Product Category file), it uses the appropriate default module settings. If the system finds no account number at any of these levels, it uses the GL Account Number Default on the General tab of this control file.


When the system can find no account numbers or cost centers at any of the previous levels of the hierarchy, it uses the GL master default account number and the default cost center, respectively.

Next GL Batch Number

GL Account Number Separator

GL Account Number Default

Company Code Maximum Length

Cost Center Length

General Cost Center Indicator

Maintain History Years

Create Posting Document Comments

Post GL Account Transfers


The fields on this tab apply to STORIS General Ledger Processing only.

GL Account Format

Use the fields below to define your GL account structure.  GL account numbers have three basic elements:

You have the option to break the parent account element into root and sub-account numbers. The combined length may not exceed 16 characters. The maximum length of the entire account number is 21 characters, including the Cost Center (maximum of 4 characters).  

Account masking is available for STORIS GL Processing users. You specify an entry mask for the root account and the sub-account as well as a length for the cost center element. Masks ensure that a combination of elements never exceeds the 21 character maximum length. The Company element mask is always two numeric characters, zero-filled.  Note that the prompts for the Company, Root Account, Sub-Account and Cost Center element prompt labels are NOT user-defined.

Root Account Mask

Use Sub-Accounts

Sub-Account Mask

General Sub-Account Indicator

End-of-Day Posted Transactions

Allow Reopen Years